Happy Shuyang Day - Shuyang Centric

Start from the beginning

he remembered zihao pulling him into the living room shortly after his wounds had been cleaned, zihao turning on shuyangs favourite movie as he let the younger rest his head on his shoulder, zihaos cheek propped against the boys hair as he comfortingly traced shuyangs scratched up knuckles.


shuyang hated to admit his problems sleeping, but it wasnt a surprise that xinlong (being his roommate) was well aquainted with shuyangs sleepless nights.

shuyang remembered jolting awake, heart banging in his chest as he frantically took in his surroundings. the boy bit his lip with a sigh, realizing it had been nothing but another one of his damned nightmares. the twisted dreams seemed to become more frequent as shuyangs sleep schedule worsened, some nights the boy only getting three hours of sleep if he was lucky.

shuyang had brought his knees to his chest as he felt a small sob bubble in his chest, hoping to at least be quiet enough that xinlong wouldnt hear him. he was no stranger to waking up the elder whenever the nightmares got bad, or whenever he needed a hug to get back to sleep, but there was always a hint of guilt left over as he thought about xinlong tired eyes looking back at him.

unfortunately for him, xinlong was something of a physchic, who could somehow feel whenever shuyang was distressed. xinlong groaned groggily as his eyes cracked open, shuyang quickly flopping down back into place as he tried to play off his cries, quickly wiping his eyes and hoping xinlong would simply go back to sleep.

unfortunately, for shuyang, he didnt. xinlong had sighed, before wrapping an arm around shuyang, turning the boy to look at him. he quickly caught shuyangs red, puffy eyes. worry spread over his older friends face, as he cupped the boys cheeks and questioned what was wrong. shuyang tried his best to hold back his tears, but unfortunately quickly finding himself curling into xinlongs arms, sobbing his little heart out.

it wasnt just the dream that had him so distraught, but rather the fact that he was simply so damn tired. he'd felt almost sleepless the last few days, and it was as if every second his brain shut down a little more. he just wanted to sleep peacefully, and yet that didnt seem to go his way either. he remembered xinlong nodding as he ranted, the elder pressing a kiss to his forehead.

xinlong rubbed his back gently as he held the boy tightly, humming a song to him as he attempted to lull his young friend back to sleep. unsurprisingly, shuyang felt his eye lids slowly gain weight as they threatened to shut, only curling closer into his roommate as he finally once again let sleep overtake him, fortunately no longer being bothered by nightmares in his sleep.


just before they'd moved to their new dorm, him and zeyu had thought itd be a good idea to play one last game of just dance before they left

they played the game a lot as a group, especially when they were younger and they needed an outlet to get all their energy out as kids. they would go back and forth, passing around the controllers and dancing well into the night, ending up sweaty and laughing by the end of every gaming session of theirs.

except now, they werent kids. they were teenagers and had grown up. they needed space to move and run. unfortunately, him and zeyu didnt think about that too much. far too busy getting ready to do their favourite dances on the game. so much so that they had completely forgotten to move anything out of the way to make themselves room.

they'd been dancing around together, the boys doing other things in the house. the youngest seemed to over estimate where he'd ended up during the dance, stepping backwards and catching his foot on the table.

the boy stumbled over, being met with a loud gasp from his other friend. the boy fell to the ground with a thud, letting out a groan in pain. there was a spark of pain up the youngers back, before zeyu had quickly grabbed onto shuyangs arm, attempting to help the boy up. the pain flashed as he tried to stand, causing shuyang to hiss loudly with tears springing to his eyes.

zeyu winced at the pained noise, gently picking up his short friend and bringing the boy towards the couch. he placed shuyang down, tears now dripping down his cheeks as he ran to grab an icepack to lay on the boys foot and lower back. he softly wiped the boys tears as he wrapped shuyang in a hug, shuyang leaning on the boy as he sniffled quietly. he gently played with shuyangs hair, braiding the long peices in the back as he attempted to take his mind off of the pain.


they were best friends, shuyang had never been worried about being open with mingrui about anything. unfortunately, shuyangs pride was just a bit too big to admit some things.

it was late at night, he was staring blankly at his phone until he sighed. he swiped through pictures of his family, being one of those particular nights he found his heart aching at the thought of how long it'd been since he last seen them. with things picking up for their group, preparing for their first comeback in a while, he barely had time to even call his mom.

he swiped through the pictures his family would occasionally send him from time to time, a sad smile appearing on his face as he took in their features. they'd changed a bit since he last seen them, not exactly a bad thing, only that shuyang feared no longer being able to recognize them when he went home.

the boy sniffled, feeling the water build up being his eyes once again. he quickly wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, trying his best not to let his tears escape. he knew they all missed their familys, once of the downfalls of being idols, so he never understood why he always felt the need to hide his feelings. a few minutes later and one too many tears down shuyangs cheeks, mingrui had entered the room, sitting himself down next to his young friend.

the elder wrapped a comforting arm around his shoulder, allowing shuyang to finally break. the boy let out a quiet sob, burrying his face into mingruis shoulder. he rubbed shuyangs back gently as the boy mumbled something about wanting to go back home, wanting to hug his mom again after months of being away.

mingrui whispered comforting words to the younger, knowing it wasnt often shuyang was so vulnerable about such topics with anyone really (if he was being honest, it was definetly a result of the boys stubborness). they sat in silence, save for shuyangs occasional cries and sniffles. finally shuyang sat back, leaning off of his friend with an awkward cough. he thanked mingrui, before both boys broke into laughter at the boys demeanour. he could act resilient as much as he wanted, mingrui knew he was a big softie underneath his little act.


'happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!' five voices sang as shuyang turned around in shock, finding zihao walking towards him with a cake and a huge smile on his face.

he'd barely even remembered it was his birthday with how busy they'd been all day, he hadnt even considered they would celebrate it today. he grinned, his bandmates coming to surround him as the cake was held out in front of shuyang, a flurry of voices urging the boy to close his eyes and make a wish, shuyang was quick to comply.

he folded his hands in front of himself, closing his eyes and trying to think of a wish to make. something other than the regular good health and happiness for himself, his family and his memebers. he couldnt remember what he'd wished for, but whatever it was must have gotten him more emotional than he'd hoped for, feeling his eyes become glossy as he shakily blew out the candle, sniffling in the process.

five voices errupted in the room, a few arms and hands thrown over his shoulders and holding his hands. five voices in a mess of asking if he was okay and what had happened. he could only laugh wetly, wiping his eyes as he seemed to shrink under the worried looks of his friends, shaking his head at their questions.

"m' not sad, i promise. im really happy, actually." he laughed, though another tear dripped down his cheek. the boys let out a collective affectionate noise at shuyangs words, a few responses shuyang couldnt make out as a smile spread on his face. the boys took a break soon later, deciding to have cake before they continued their schedules.

later into the night, after a small party for shuyangs 15th birthday just themselves alone, the boys had huddled onto the couch. it was amazing, how six teenage boys could fit into the cramped space all together but somehow they made it work (even if that meant being in somewhat of a cuddle pile). shuyang let himself relax in the hold of his friends, smiling to himself as he closed his eyes, leaning his head against zihaos, or maybe it was mingruis shoulder, he couldnt tell really. he didnt mind though, he drifted off as he relaxed into the warmth of the group.

// i didnt have time to write this on his birthday but happy shuyang day 😭😭😭😭

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