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I looked outside waiting on Danny to take me on another double date. He was insisting on me finding a guy. Since he got his girlfriend it was his new mission in life to find me a man. Regardless of how much I told him, I was okay with being single.

"Hey, baby you going out again?" I heard my mom's voice behind me.

"Yeah Danny's coming to get me," I said bored and flopping on the couch.

She sat next to me "You sound like you don't want to go"

"I'd rather not"

"Well tell him, you guys have been best friends for long enough. I'm sure he'd understand"

I shook my head "I've tried he won't take no for an answer"

She sat there for a second. "Tell your dad you're going out"

"Mom now you know-" I grabbed her cheeks and kissed her forehead "You're a genius!"

I ran up the stairs to my parent's room and knocked on the door. "Come in" My dad was laying in the bed flipping through channels. "Hey princess," He said looking at me and then back at the tv.

"Hey daddy, I was looking for mom" I pretended to look around the room. "She up here?"

"I think she's downstairs. You okay?"

"Oh yeah," I waved him off "I just wanted to let her know Danny was coming to get me" I turned around to leave.

"Danny?" He said making me smile.


I turned around "Yes daddy. You know Danny the boy I've been friends with since I was 4."

He shook his head "You're not going out with him. It's late"

I looked at my phone "Daddy it's 10 o'clock in the morning"

"Athena you're not going," He said not even looking at me.

I rolled my eyes "Whatever"

"And don't tell your mother either," he said giving me a stern look

"Scared?" I started laughing

He rolled his eyes smiling "Go to your room. You're grounded"

"Love you too" I started laughing I went to my room and changed into some sweats and went back downstairs. I went into the kitchen seeing my mother cooking.

"Did it work?" She said tasting some of the food

"Of course, it did" I smiled at her.

I heard the door open and close, knowing it was Danny. "Momma Sel" he walked over to her pulling her into a hug and lifting her off her feet.

"What I tell you about doing that shit" She swatted at him

He started laughing "I'm sorry" he looked over at me "How are you so short and Athena is tall. She's like 5'8"

"My donor," I said grabbing an apple and some caramel out of the fridge

"Right" he nodded awkwardly knowing I don't like talking about him.

I still remember all the fucked up shit he said about me when I was younger, and people say kids can't remember. The shit he said to me is something I'll never forget.

'Stop calling me about that bastard'

'That white boy ain't yo daddy'

'You think that man gives a fuck about somebody else kid?'

My mom always tried to make sure I never heard what he said about me, but the few times he actually said it to me. It got burned into my head. I'm glad my dad adopted me. I'm glad my donor treated my mom like shit, him doing so gave me the best father in the world.

"Yo Athena, what is you wearing?" Danny asked me

I looked up at him "My dad said I couldn't go"

"Man that's some bullsh-" my mom cleared her throat "that's some bull stuff"

I started laughing "You wanna go up there and tell him that?"

"No" he pointed his fingers at me

"Exactly, plus I have to study. I have a test tomorrow"

"Oh," my mom said wiping her hands on her pants "We have an event to go to tomorrow too"

"Right. That too" I pointed an apple at her.

I heard footsteps and saw my father coming into the kitchen. He raised his eyebrow looking at Danny and then me. "Didn't I say you couldn't go"

I smiled. God if you're listening it's ya girl. I just want to say how much I appreciate you and how you're allowing everything to fall in place. Amen.

"Baby she told him, they was just talking," My mom said giving him a peck on the cheek.

Danny kissed the top of my head "I'll call you later when I drop off tia"

I nodded my head "have fun love you" I looked over at my dad who was staring at me with an unreadable look on his face. I sat my head in my hand and smiled "staring contest now go!"

My mom started busting out laughing and my dad shook his head smiling "You're gonna be the death of me princess"

"Daddy you know there is nothing between me and Danny. He has a girlfriend" I rolled my eyes.

"He knows Athena. He just doesn't like the fact you're growing up." My mom looked at him sideways

"The twins are here!" My annoying little brother Kirill yelled into the kitchen. Mikhail followed behind him shaking his head.

The twins walked over and gave our mom a hug and a kiss. "Do you guys have any plans for today?" My mom asked

Kirill nodded his head "I gotta girl waiting on me. So I'll be out most of the day" He said making my mom roll her eyes

"Studying" I blurted out

"I wanted to go to the office with dad," Mikhail said.

I nodded my head "Yeah let's do that instead"

My dad looked at his watch "well I'm leaving in a half an hour so hurry up and be ready"

Kirill perked up "Good I can stay with ma" he pulled out his phone "canceling on my bitch"

Kirill had Bipolar Disorder like our mom so they were especially close with each other. They understood each other in ways we didn't. Kirill never passed up any time to spend with our mom. Both of them having Bipolar Disorder could be a lot on us sometimes. Especially when they went into a manic episode at the same time.

Daddy was still paying people off from the last time they did.

"Mommas boy" I teased him

"Damn right. Remember that" He smiled at me.

"Does nobody watch their mouth around here?" My mom said crossing her arms.

My dad got up kissing my mom "No" He turned around and looked at us "I'm going to get ready. You two be ready."

I nodded my head "I'm ready I'm just going to grab my books"

Unorthodox (ITIB Book 2. Unedited.) Where stories live. Discover now