Act 1 - Chapter 1: The Girl who takes no shit from nobody

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13 years after Fiend was declared MIA

we open in the streets of Coruscant, where a massive firefight is taking place. Republic soldiers, lead by old clones, vs one of the many criminal empires stationed on the planet. the leader of the Republic forces, General Rex, takes cover after shot flies past his head. one of the soldiers, a lieutenant, was next to him

Lieutenant: well, this is going swell isn't it General?

Rex: I think my promotion was a mistake

Lieutenant: you put the call in for reinforcements, right?

Rex: yeah, 20 minutes ago

Rex pokes out of cover and shoots a few more of the criminal soldiers before ducking back behind the wall

Lieutenant: so then where are they?

???: right here

Rex and his Lieutenant turn to see a Spartan clad in Black and Red armor with a purple visor

Rex and his Lieutenant turn to see a Spartan clad in Black and Red armor with a purple visor

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Rex: Allison?

Allison Tano. daughter of Ahsoka Tano and Fiend-205. with parents that famous, one would assume her reputation would be one of professionalism and emotional composure. this was not the case. Allison, while skilled, was anything but professional. and she was quick to anger, like her father. she was also somewhat clingy, like her mother. a perfect mix of the two, though she aspired to be like her dad

Allison: sup

Lieutenant: you mean... she's out back-up?

Allison: oh so you don't want my help?

Rex: what he meant was-

Lieutenant: no offence, Captain, but we need actual soldiers to help us here

Allison leans against a wall and crosses her arms

Allison: fine, you guys take out the criminals, I'll watch

Rex glared at the Lieutenant before turning to Allison

Rex: look, kid, we need the help. ignore what my Lieutenant is saying

Allison: I already was. he's a piece o' shit anyway

Rex sighs

Rex: are you gunna help, or not?

Allison looks at the criminal forces, then back at Rex

Allison: eh. sure. got nothin' better to do. plus I need to speak to these guys' boss

Allison walks over to one of the turrets the Republic had placed down, and straight up rips the turret off of its tripod, using it as a chaingun to mow down the criminals

Lieutenant: did she.... really need to destroy that turret?

Rex: apparently its a thing Spartans do

after all of them were dead, Allison walks to one of them and picks up a commlink and contacts the leader of this criminal empire, Barriss Offee

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