We got back to the hotel and I saw that I had 15 messages from Twitter. I opened it up and saw that Luke's official account had fallowed me and sent me a message thanking me. "Ugh." I said. Most teenage girls who are fans of 5 Seconds of Summer and are completely obsessed would love to have Luke fallowing them, I am not most girls! I did what I knew to do, now I am a hero? NO, I'm not. It's not like anyone else would have done what I did when they found out it was Like Hemmings. "I'm going to the arcade, I need to calm down." I said and walked tords the huge game room. "Ok, we will eat at 6." Mom said and hurried the twins up to the room. I changed in the bathroom and went to the dark room.

I walked in and started to play ski ball. I was just about to beat my score, when the familiar tune came on, "Simmer down, simmer down."

"Ugh, I am not in the mood." I said just as a shadow walked behind me. "That's not nice." The voice from the beach. "Damn it!" I said and turned around. I looked up to the people on the radio. "Well, hello to you too." Luke said. I collected my tickets and walked over to the other Ski ball machine. "Can I play you?" He asked and shooed the rest away. "Sure." I said and put in my quarter. He did the same and I hit the center of the target and the 100 right of the bat. "How are you so good at this?"

"Dunno, I just am."

"Cool, I saw you were fallowing me and the boys."

"Yeah, and I see you are fallowing me."



"What do you mean?"

"Why are you fallowing me?"



"This is were we are staying while we record."

"Oh, great."

"What's the problem?"


"I like your ascent."

"I don't have one."

"Yeah, you do."

"Say I do, when do you like my ascent?"

"It sounds like you are from the Midwest."

"Well I am from Kentucky."


"Yeah, and I guess I like your ascent to."

"See, now we're are getting somewhere."

"Yeah, I guess we're cooking with gas."


"Never mind."

"No, what did you say?"

"Now we are cooking with gas?"

"What dose that mean I have never heard that before?"

"We are rolling down the hill, we are starting to get ahold of things."

"Oh, I like that."

"Cool." I said just as my phone rang with a notification. I checked and saw that it was a girl saying she hates me and she thinks I made him hit his head. "Damn." I said and tucked my phone in my pocket. "What?"

"Some chick on Twitter."

"What's up?"

"She was just saying that she hates me and what not."

"You got a boyfriend and he's a total loser."



"Ok, I just don't get the big deal."

"You did save my life."

"Yeah, most of them are thanking me and telling me I'm a hero and crap like that." I said and won. I walked over with my tickets and got a stuffed penguin and a stuffed turtle."Luke can we come in?" Calum stuck his head out and asked. He laughed and nodded. "I have to go." I said and walked out. "Wait, can we hang out tomorrow?"

"No!" I yelled and ran back to my family again. I am not going to be caught with him and the drama of being famous.


"Hey honey, where do you want to go for dinner?"

"Don't care."

"Watch the tude."

"I don't care."

"Fine we decided on La Cantina."

"'Kay." I said and took my swimsuit to the bathroom to dry. I walked out and grabbed my jacket. I walked down the stairs and beat them down because they took the elevator, "Hey Saylor." Luke called from the arcade. I looked away and walked out to the car. I met them there and started to get in when he texted me, "Hey, are u mad?" I didn't respond and kept looking out the window as dad pulled out of the parking garage. My phone lit up again, "Hey I'm sorry if I made you mad

Luke" I looked at it and closed my phone and went on my way.





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