Chapter VI: Lilian and Two Demons

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Chapter VI: Lilian and Two Demons

It was dark. Lilian walked through a gray mist, not knowing where he was or how he had gotten there. Dark figures moved nearby, shrouded by the mist, always just beyond his ability to discern.

He could hear the sounds of the sea, far off. That wasn’t right – he had been in the mountains, hadn’t he? He couldn’t remember. The sea, and his own footsteps. And something else. Bells, perhaps?

Not bells. Voices. He could hear the laughter of young girls, their voices were all around him. He tried to listen to a single voice, to find it. Over there, perhaps? He walked in the direction he had decided upon, and the voice came closer. All the voices were coming closer, which shouldn’t happen if he was walking towards one, and away from others.

“Over here,” he heard the voice say, very close by. He must be close, but the fog was impenetrable. He turned, corrected his course, when out of the mist emerged a pair of eyes. The eyes burst into flames…

“Ghaaa!” said Lilian, choking off a scream as he sat up in bed. Realizing he was safe in his hotel room, he closed his eyes to still his racing heart while catching his breath.

“You were very rude.”

Lilian jumped, startled by the voice so close. Sitting on the side of the bed he discovered one of the beautiful young girls who had been at the castle earlier that evening. Then, in trying to back away he discovered the other young girl, sitting behind him on the other side of the bed.

“What?” was all he could manage to say in his bleary-eyed, confused state.

“Yes, so very rude,” agreed Ilinca crossly. “You left so quickly this evening. You did not even say goodbye to us,” she added unhappily, leaning in close to Lilian. “We wanted to give you our kisses.”

“Yes, all our kisses,” said Daciana despondently. She leaned close to Lilian as well and asked, “Don’t you want our kisses?”

Lilian moved his eyes back and forth from one sister to the other. “I must still be dreaming,” he said aloud.

“Oh!” said Ilinca enthusiastically. “What wonderful dreams you must have.”

“Well?” demanded Daciana.

Lilian’s eyes turned toward her. “Um, well what?”

Daciana sat up with her hands on her hips. “Oh!” she declared, offended. “I can’t believe how very rude you will be to us! Here we are, two poor young girls, barely clothed and sitting in the cold, while you are comfy and cozy under the covers in your nice, warm bed!”

Lilian responded with a shocked silence and so Ilinca added, “Won’t you invite us in?”

“Um, please… come in?” Lilian said after another short, shocked silence. The two sisters wasted no time in snuggling under the covers, cuddling up to Lilian to share his body’s warmth.

Ilinca laughed. “I did not truly believe it, but it’s true! You are wearing men’s pyjamas.”

Daciana held Lilian’s face in her hands, brought her lips to his, then stopped just short of a kiss. She opened her eyes wide, closed her mouth, and looked at Lilian closely. She rubbed her fingers across his face.

“You have stubble on your chin!” she said in surprise.

“That’s not all,” Ilinca added to the revelation, her hands wrapped around Lilian from behind. “Look at the surprise down here!”

Daciana laughed at his distress. “You are a man!”

“Well, yes,” agreed Lilian, slightly offended that she should laugh.

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