Chapter 7: Train Ride with new Friends

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"Thank you. Now I don't feel pressured anymore"

"Anytime! I gladly help you" "Hey you two", a new voice joined, making them turn around.

"Hello, Mama" "Kuraiko are you bugging Jessy again?" "Always! you know I love to bug her"

The mother smiled softly, holding something in her hands. "Are that our tickets?" "Yes" "Tickets?" "For the train, dear", Mrs. Amakura handed Jessy her ticked as she inspected it.

It looked yellow with...she was unsure if it was called lace around the edges or not. A >one-way travel from London to Hogwarts< stood in big bold letters on it, and something on the bottom. "You two must not loose it" "Yes", both stated at the exact same time, nodding.

"Does Papa come along?" "Like every year, Jessy. He wouldn't miss it for the world, you know" She nodded and looked at her ticked and then the trunk. "Oh, and now that you both are going, share Muria! Or when you need to send a letter home, try to make one enelope"

"Got it. You'll see! I take care of Jessy!" "And you must promise not to get hurt so badly in Quidditch", she held her head while looking at her eldest, who laughed nervously.

"I try my best, Mama. Is that ok?" "That is ok. You know I hate it when you get hurt", she cooed while cupping Kuraikos cheeks.

"Mama!" "You're being loved, sister dear!" "AH SHUSH!" Jessy laughed.

It was always fun to tease her sister.

And before they could turn, it was the 1st of September.

Jessy lay the whole night awake, trying to get a pinch of sleep, at last, but with no avail.

And since she couldn't sleep anymore, she began to sneak away to the bathroom, making herself ready, and went back to her room, sitting on her bed. "Calm down, calm down", she began to repeat over and over, trying to calm her shaking self out of nervosity.

She was clearly a mess, as she walked around her room, the moon shining but she was wide awake.

Opening her window, she let the cool breeze in, looking around the far grassland.

This might be the last time for a while until she will see it again.

She couldn't help but ask herself if she'll miss it.

A loud sigh escaped her lips, clearly anxious and confused. She stayed by the window as the morning rays began to shine, making the grassland alive.

"This is it", she stated and breathed out, closing her window and getting up from the bed, taking her trunk.

Glancing back, she looked one last time at her room before closing the door and walking down, standing it down by the entrance hall, and going into the kitchen to see Mr. and Mrs. Amakura already there.

"Jessy? Already up, dear?" "You didn't sleep, did you?" "Until 3. Then I woke up and since then, I can't sleep" She planted herself next to her father on the chair, him ruffling her open hair.

"So nervous?" "Yes" "Don't worry, dolphin. You'll see, Hogwarts is great" "Papa!", she whined as she heard the nickname her father gave her when she was just a little kid.

That caused her to get up and help her mother get breakfast ready for one last time, and 30 minutes later, Kuraiko also came down, still sleepy. "Morning", she greeted with a yawn, Richard and Hedwig coming behind her.

"Look at you Jessy! All grown up now. Going to Hogwarts. I'm so happy and prud of you", Hedwig skipped to the blond-haired girl, cupping her cheeks and squishing them with a bright smile on her face.

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