"Cool! Are you hungry or anything? Have you gotten the chance to look around campus?" She asked jumping off her bed and going to her closet to brush her straight hair. I shrugged my shoulder and turned to face the room, proud I finished everything.

"No, honestly. We visited once, but it was very rushed because of how cold it was. And yes! I'm starving." I smiled, the weather hasn't been that cold as of late. September in Chicago, it's cold for me, but not cold enough where I need to be wearing a winter coat.

Which I still need to buy now that I think about it. And I doubt those three pairs of jeans will last me through the winter.

But that's a future me problem, anyways.

We got ready quickly and walked out of our room to the hallway. Peoples bags and luggage were lined all along the wall as people were in the process of moving in. I can't believe that we're actually going to college, the University of Chicago.

Coming out of the dorms, the trees lined the sidewalks as we made our way to get food. They were full of autumn leaves and looked so aesthetically pleasing, I can't believe this is going to be my life now.

Pulling out my phone, I began taking pictures to show my mom and dad back home. They're not going to believe the color of the leaves.

It's evident that I'm no longer in humidity and bright skies year round florida. We made it to the train station. Kylie and I both have cars, but we decided to just take the train so we can go into Chicago.

"You're Puerto Rican right?" She asked as I was taking in the scenery. People had giant carts full of the stuff and it was like a bee hive with how busy everything was.

"Yep! From the island and everything and then I moved to florida when I was like 12, my parents wanted me to go to college here." I answered back and got a bit chilly as a breeze came by. I pulled the sweater I had on a bit tighter to cover my whole body.

"Cool! There's this place called Humboldt park and I think you'll like it." She assured. We swiped our student U-Passes and waited for the train to come. There were some birds here and there, but not nearly enough that I'm used to. Especially the white birds that will always come, without a doubt, to the grass in our backyard after it rained.

I hate birds.

But I'm just so used to them.

But I guess the constant sound of ambulances and police can fill that void. Why are there so many anyways? We've been waiting for about three minutes and I've heard two.

"What are you?" I asked wishing I brought a thicker jacket than just this sweater. I have some money saved up, so I should probably get more of a winter closet. And my mom offered to send me some clothes that she finds down there.

"I'm white. But my grandma, my dads side, was Mexican. She taught me a bit of Spanish. But she passed when I was like 10, so I only have a basic understanding of it and I can speak a bit. My main issue is like conjugations. But she did teach me how to dance." She said and shrugged her shoulders. "It's better than my parents, they don't know any Spanish or like anything."

"That's crazy. Yeah both my parents are Puerto Rican, but we had to leave my dad in PR because he didn't want to leave just yet. So they're long distance, I'm pretty sure my mom wants to move back now that I'm gone." I explained. "Im the first in my family to go to college, which is crazy to me."

"Oh wow, that is crazy. My mom didn't go, but my dad did. He finished his bachelors and then became like a business man in Chicago. Then my mom is a stay at home mom." She described as we got onto the train. We left the seats the elderly people and stayed standing up.

"Yah my mom works with DCFS and like social workers and all that. Then my dad fixes houses all over PR." I looked out the window and was in awe as we went across the city. Conversation died down but it was a comfortable silence. "I can't believe I live here."

Inside, it feel my heart just clinching and my stomach is twisting and turning. I really don't think I can do this. The city is so big! And wow. This is just crazy. I'm not even sure how I ended up here in Chicago. Literally so far from home.


I shook my head and tried to focus on right now. It's so beautiful. The oranges, reds, and yellows on the trees made the city seem so much more alive than it really is. The sky is blue for once, not it's usual grey.

"This is beautiful." I whispered and took some pictures to show my mom and friends back home.

I'm definitely not in Florida anymore.


Hey! It's been a while since I've published anything on here since I've been really busy with adjusting to college and just everything you know.

But I hope you guys enjoy this new story! I worked at this parking lot during my summer break and I had a lot of free time, so here is my story! And don't worry, I finished writing it, so stay tuned!



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