28. Going Under

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 The memory wipe Malka developed for Aura's programming works differently compared to the Winter Soldier. No memory of who activated her, vague ideas of what the mission is, what her superiors make her do. It leaves her feeling empty inside.

Her eye itches constantly, but Malka can't bring herself to move let alone scratch at the incessant tingling. They put her in isolation, a room with vents she suspects will shut off in case of emergency. She can already tell she used her gifts; she wouldn't be this drained if she hadn't, and her arm wouldn't be aching this much either.

The programming traps her beneath Aura, traps her in pain and misery. Aura takes care of the present, but Malka is stuck in the past, reliving each horror she can remember as if to fuel Aura's rage. Even now, she can still remember the fleeting pain in her wrist and the abhorrent flash of a bullet through her sister's head.

How long had she been here in this room, her back pressed into the corner with her knees pulled to her chest, her one good eye watching the only entrance along with the one-way glass? Who made it out of Siberia? Did Zemo? A small part of her hopes he did, so she'll get the chance to destroy him.

When the door opens, she does not look up. She recognizes the deep breathing and hesitant footsteps as legs come into view. She clenches her jaw, looking away. "Who did I hurt?"

"I think Stark did more damage than you," Bucky sighs as he sits beside her against the wall on her right side. "I guess Aura was distracted trying to keep me alive. Seems like that took precedence over wanting to kill Steve."

Malka purses her lips. "Are they ok? Steve and Tony?"

He nods.

"How long has it been? Where are we?"

"A month. Took your arm two weeks to heal." With a sigh, he continues, "We're in Wakanda. The king is letting us stay for a bit." He hesitates before shifting to face her. "I think Steve wants some confirmation that you're you and not Aura before we can get you out of here."

"I should be here." She picks her head up to meet his stare. "Lock the door and throw away the key. I caused all of this, Bucky. I made the program. I did this."

"You didn't have a choice."

"People are dead."

"Yeah, and they'll keep dying even if you stay in here alone, and I sort of don't want to go under without knowing you'll be ok."

She frowns. "What do you mean go under?"

Bucky sighs as he stands, extending his hand. She allows him to help her to her feet and walk her out of the room into an extravagant lab space, Wakandans all working harmoniously over their own projects. "Safest option is to freeze me again until we can figure out how to remove the programming."

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