19. Battle of Sokovia

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 Not that the Avengers were anywhere close to fully evacuating Sokovia, but it would have been nice to get a few thousand more people off before Ultron stopped stalling. Everyone took different sides of the city, Malka taking the South alone. Sokovian citizens crowd together as the city rises through the air, Ultron's army descending quickly.

She refuses to go to that dark twisted part of her waiting to break free. With a leash tightening around that hidden part, Malka does what she can. She focuses on protecting civilians instead of attacking the murder robots, but it's unavoidable.

The latest robot crashes into the concrete with a satisfying crack.

"Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely." Malka presses a finger to her ear to hear Steve better. "The rest of us have one job—tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off."

"Not all of us can walk off death, Cap," Malka mutters, leaping off a wall to rip a robot's head off. "Get back!" She plunges a knife into one robot's back before it can shoot at the group of civilians.

"Yo, Laska?"

"Little busy, Barton."

"Wanda needs you."

She sighs. "Group of civilians by the south side need you. I'm on my way." Malka takes down the last robot before she races through the streets, passing Barton on the way until she makes it to a broken shop where Wanda holds her knees to her chest.

"It's our fault," the girl says. "It's all my fault."

"Maybe," Malka nods as she kneels down. "Maybe it is your fault, but it doesn't matter now. Your grandfather caused a lot of trouble, I hear. The time for guilt is over. In my time, none of this existed. The weirdest thing to come out of a lab was me. You have your grandfather's blood in you, Wanda, so you fight because some of us never got the chance to. You fight for the people already gone, and you fight for the people who still have a chance. You walk out that door, and you be the hero I know you can be. Now, go help Barton because he's an old man fighting robots with a bow and arrow."

Malka leaves Wanda to her thoughts and races through the city, directing civilians to more stable ground as the city climbs higher and higher into the air. Her breathing grows shallow as she leans against a crumbling building as her teammates push civilians along.

Natasha comes up beside her. "You good?"

"I should be asking you that," Malka replies. "Is there any scenario where we win?"

"Don't know." She leans against the building, their shoulders touching. "You're bruised."

"Yeah, I've been fighting robots."

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