I come face to face with Coulson. "God, Miller. Your face.."

"Yeah, it probably looks worse than it is." I hand him the gun.

"Why are you down here? Agent Roberts told us you'll be waiting on the 5th floor."

Jesus. Can we please sit down and talk because I can barely stand? Can he not see that? "Plans change. We were attacked."

"What happened?"

"I shot them. They should still be alive though."

"Okay, I'll need to have a talk with you later." Is that not what we were just doing? "You need medical attention."

I shrug it off. "Where's Daisy? Is she okay?" I ask him. Why is she not here?

Coulson gives me a weird look. "I ordered her to stay on the Zephyr." And without another word, he begins to walk towards a group of agents.

"Wait, what? Why?" I run after him.

"She was unable to focus on the mission."

Excuse me. What? "Care to elaborate?"

"You know what I mean," he sends me another look.

"No, I really don't."

A couple of agents come down and signal something to Coulson. Everyone starts moving out and I follow them. Don't want to stay alone here. Though I'd much rather just lie down right now.

Once we get to plane Coulson called the Zephyr, I feel like I'm on the edge of collapsing. I don't even have to look too much to notice Daisy straight away. She's standing there, scanning her eyes through us, as if looking for someone. Then she locks eyes with me.

Faster than I can blink, she's right beside me. Her eyes are filled with worry and anger. I don't like the look on her face. Her soft fingertips trace the burns on my face and it's almost nice. Almost. If I wasn't halfway dead at the moment.

"Come on. We need to get you to medical," she quickly says and grabs me by my wrist. Wrong move. I wince and automatically yank my hand away, frightened by the sudden pain.

She looks confused for a second before realizing. "Oh god. I'm so sorry. I didn't notice.."

I reach my other hand to take hers. "It's fine, just a scratch. It'll heal."

Daisy opens her mouth to say something else, but my vision goes black for a second and I grab her shoulder to regain balance.

She lets me lean on her and leads me to a lab of some sort. It's quite crowded, but Daisy manages to find a quiet corner for us.

I lean down on a small bed and fatigue takes over immediately. I try to stay awake but fail and fall asleep within seconds.

* * *

My eyes snap open and I sit up, the brightness from lights blinding me for good 10 seconds.

How did I get here? My head is pounding. Body feels numb. But overall, it's not too bad. I look around in the bright room, finding some familiarity in it. The place is small, but does not make me claustrophobic. Something about it is calming, actually. There are violet flowers by the bed on a nightstand. By the looks of them I'd think they're fake, but the sweet smell travelling through air says otherwise.

I search my mind for answers and a faint imagine pops up. I can't connect it to a memory.

I leave it alone. I don't seem to be in danger, someone will probably soon come to see me and I'll find out. I probably got hurt. That peaceful feeling in my body tells me. It indicates that I healed myself. And it must've been bad enough to mess with my mind in process.

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