Part 2

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I wake up to a quiet whirring sound. It's been maybe 30 minutes since arriving here at this plain white room. I feel like it's driving me crazy.

I find a pile of clean clothes by my bed. Sweet. I change quickly and try to brush my fingers through my hair. Doesn't help. But I tried.

Suddenly the door opens and there she is.


I still haven't made up my mind about the whole Gordon situation. It upsets me but I obviously don't know the entire story. How could I when these people are so secretive?

"Had a good nap?" she asks.

I smile. "I suppose yeah. Didn't even mean to fall asleep. Thought your friend wanted to examine me?"

"Yes, that's why I'm here. Can you come with me please?" she nods.

And see this secret base you all have here? Hell yeah, I thought to myself.

I still haven't figured out who or what they work for. Who they are. They don't really look like the police to be honest, so secret agents? FBI? In that case I'd rather stay on their good side.

"Sure," I give a quick smile to her and hop up from the bed.

She leads me through many long hallways. They all look the same, it's like a maze. This place doesn't look as secretive as I was hoping, but it's something.

There aren't many people walking around either, I expected it to be crowded for some reason. But it's better this way, ain't it? Maybe I can actually escape this place without getting caught.

We finally arrive at a lab of some sort, where Jemma is typing something into the computer. She looks up and waves at me.

"Hey, Leah, good to see you again! I just need to run a few tests, okay? Nothing to be afraid of," she says reassuringly.

I nod and take a seat. While she does her little tests I look around in the lab. It's very clean. Too clean. They probably hid everything interesting from me.

A man comes in. Not paying even a little bit of attention to me he turns to Jemma. "Hey, Simmons, um can I talk to you in private, please?" he says. They give me couple vibes but at the same time the exact opposite.

"Yeah sure, Fitz. We just got done over here. Daisy will lead you to Coulson's office," she adds to me.

"Wait what? Coulson's office? Why?" I ask her nervously. Although I haven't done anything wrong, talking to Coulson makes me anxious.

"Yeah, didn't Daisy tell you?" Jemma says. "Anyway. Director Coulson wants to ask you some questions."

I see. "Can't give me a break from the questions, can you?" I say sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, Leah, if this is all uncomfortable for you but it has to be done. We have rules and protocols."

I want to argue back to her. Say, that I didn't want to be here in the first place but I wasn't given a choice. Unfortunately right then Daisy comes in and gestures me to follow her.

We go through more hallways. This place doesn't seem to have an end. Daisy doesn't say anything and I'm thankful for that. Not really in a mood for small talk. Finally we get to a big door.

"Just answer his questions truthfully. We don't mean any harm to you, you know?" Daisy says softly. "Coulson wants to know more about you, see if we can trust you."

She opens the door and I go in. I stand awkwardly by the door. Coulson, or I suppose director Coulson is sitting at the table going through some papers.

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