Part 10

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Man. Why is it so hot in here today? Air conditioning, what's that? Especially in the gym, are you trying to kill me?

I pull the black top over my head, left in just a sports bra. I redo my loose ponytail and take a sip from the water bottle.

Training ended an hour ago, but it didn't feel enough for today. So, here I am.

It's been one hell of a week. Hall finally decided it's time to make us train in pairs. Which quickly made me realize I'm weak. Yeah, I might be strong against a punching bag, but it doesn't hit back, does it?

Plus, Daisy and her whole gang have totally disappeared. I literally can't find anyone. It's been about three of weeks since.. the thing. You know, when she stormed out with Bobbi from practice. I still don't know what happened. Probably never will. It's bugging me so much though.

I've been eating my meals at the cafeteria among the other trainees. Even made a couple of friends. I think. Anyway, they've told me a lot about the S.H.I.E.L.D. organization. And given me a lot of surprised faces when I don't know some apparently common information about it.

They're very nice though. Cured my boredom. One girl named Jasmine gave me a bunch of interesting books to read. Forever grateful, like really. And another one, Ming, taught me some good punches after training. She is at the top of our class, if I'd have to rank. Better keep her close.

I jump slightly as the gym door opens. The lights are dimmed down so I can't see who it is. I stay still, water bottle still in hand, waiting for the other to talk first.

"Hi, uh- it's you, Leah, right?" a quiet question travels through the air. Oh. I know who that is.

I awkwardly walk towards the voice, not saying anything at first. As I get closer she turns up the brightness of the lights. Yup. That's her.

"Alicia, hey. What's up?" I try to make up random chit-chat.

"Sorry, am I bothering you? I want to talk. It's been so long and I just feel bad so I was wondering if you want to talk?" she looks at me hopefully.

"I know you're sorry. You shouldn't have to be. I get it, you wanted to help me. I'm sorry too. For the way I reacted. It's all good, don't worry about it." In all honesty, I should've done this a long time ago. It was very unfair of me. I don't even know why I got so mad at her.

She looks at me in disbelief and confusion. "But I thought you- So you're telling me-" I stop her mid sentence and hug her. Tightly. I missed her. When I pull away she has a big smile on her face. "You're telling me I prepared a whole apology speech just for nothing?" she asks, trying to force seriousness into her tone.

"Yeah, well I know how much you hate speeches, you're welcome," I let out a small laugh.

"I genuinely appreciate it though. Thank you. Originally I planned to invite you to get early dinner with me and have that talk there, but now.. we can get just dinner?" she suggests.

"Alright, that sounds good. Let me just get changed quickly."

* * *

I jolt up as there's a loud knock on my door. Why? Why the hell are you, stupid little shit, disturbing me while I'm having the most amazing dream in the world?

I had a nice dinner with Alicia last night and we stayed up till 2 a.m. talking. I'd really like to sleep now.

There's another knock. I want to yell them to go drown themselves. Seriously.

I rub my eyes aggressively and pull on a sweatshirt. Not flashing them my tits. That's what you get for waking me up. I throw a look in the mirror. Hot. Hold up. How am I just noticing this? The sweater has a S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on it. These bitches are making their own merch.

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