Chapter 092 - 094

Start from the beginning

Yes, she is indeed cruel.

There is no child who doesn't care about her father at all, even if the father doesn't love her, she will feel sad instead of being so cold and ruthless.

The eldest princess realized that she didn't seem to know her daughter that much.

She was shocked and shocked.

I can't help but think back in my mind, what has my daughter been doing in the past few years?

Before being abducted, or before the relationship between her and Jinganhou changed, her daughter would hold Jinganhou's neck and giggle.

After being abducted, that is, after her relationship with Jing'anhou changed, Jinganhou had a grudge against her and treated her daughter much more indifferently.

How did the daughter behave at the time? She seemed very calm, as if she was completely unaffected, and was detained by her to learn things every day.

Later, the daughter went to the study to study with the eldest prince and waited for the children. She left before dawn and returned only after sunset. She only took a day off every ten days, and got along with Jing Anhou even less.

It can be said that the "father doesn't like me" in the eyes of my daughter is entirely because of her involvement.

If she and Jing'an Hou did not change their relationship, Jing'an Hou would not treat her daughter so indifferently.

At this moment, the eldest princess was a little sad.

"No, don't blame you." The eldest princess slowly embraced her daughter, tightening her embrace. After a long time, she slowly said, "You don't know anything, the truth is like this..."

The daughter has grown up.

The princess originally wanted to wait for her to be older. If she asked, she would understand.

But at this moment, somehow, maybe the daughter suddenly came back from the palace, or the coldness in her eyes, the princess found her daughter's toughness far beyond her imagination.

She is smart enough and tough enough, so what is the difference from an adult?

"Do you blame me?" The princess looked down at her daughter after he told her.

Before spreading out, she was scared, but as things were said one by one, she calmed down instead.

"My separation with your father will affect your reputation. In the future, if you make friends and go out, you may be affected. When you grow up, your marriage may also be affected."

Her daughter is so smart and so good, and the future Erlang Ding will be very outstanding. If you look at the eldest son of the big family, the other party has the confidence to resist the decree, she may not ask for it.

This is what the eldest princess is worried about.

If she doesn't ask for it, it will hurt her daughter's pride. If she doesn't accept the frustration, she may change her mind.

She looked at her daughter with complicated eyes, not without worry.

However, her daughter tilted her head, her eyes blinked, and she suddenly smiled.

"Marriage?" She said with a chuckle, as if she was talking about ordinary things, some things that are not worth paying attention to, with a little imperceptible arrogance, "Who is smarter than me in this world?"

As these words were spoken, her arrogance gradually revealed: "I can't look down on anyone who is not as smart as I am."

There was a pause, "I don't like anyone smarter than me."

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