"A Three in one"

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1. Yandere female! British Empire x Independent Male! Reader
2. Yandere female! Japanese Empire x Male! Reader
3. Yandere female! Prussia Empire x Male! Reader
AN: I just got back from school and now my friends know about this whole account 🙃 anyways, three request yay 🥳also I'm going to have a 1 week holiday.
All requested by: randomusername12341

1. Yandere female! British Empire x Independent Male! Reader
Title: Blood of a queen
Third Person's P.O.V
"Y/N~! Its time for dinner my love!" Britain said as she opens the door. Y/N turns his head around with a worried face. "Did I startle y-" Britain got cut off as she walks into the room and sees him near an open window. She looks around the room and see an empty bed without a mattress. She looks at him with a shock and confused face "Are you trying to escape..?" she said as the aura change around them. Y/N stayed silent for 2 seconds before he decides to answer her. "Yes, I'm not 'trying', I'm going to escape." he said independently. After he said that Britain's blood boiled with anger and frustration. He waved a bye to her and jump off the window. Britain runs to the window to see if he was ok and he was, the mattress soften the landing. As Y/N gets up and dust himself, Britain growled in anger as she watched Y/N run off into the woods.

"Find Y/N I. DO. NOT. CARE. WHAT. YOU. DO. TO. HIM. JUST. FIND. HIM." Britain said to the guards. The guards saluted and went off to find the man. Britain walks into her office and grabs a knife. She narrows her eyes in anger and threw it at a picture of Y/N and her together. She did love Y/N but hated that he has an undying spirit to escape...that was also the reason on how she fell in love with the man.

'Finally! Finally! I'm free!' I thought to myself while smiling then I felt pain in my chest and the smile faded. I kept running while holding my wound and look behind me to see British Guards shouting for me to stop running and surrender...heh surrender..I NEVER surrender. I kept running while the guards chased after me. Soon enough I lost them, I sat under a tree and rip off a piece of my clothing to cover the bleeding wound. After that I continued to walk around the woods, it was a very nice walk when the sun was about to set. I settled under a tree, felt very tired after the goose chase. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Britain Empire's P.O.V
I walked towards my lover, oh how cute he looks when he sleeps. "Carry him." I said to the guards. "And chain him to the bed." I said as they carry him back to his forever home..


2. Yandere female! Japanese Empire x Male! Reader
Title: Always the winner
Walking through the halls of Japans base to my boss office. She's very intimidating honestly but nice person when I met her.

7 Months ago...

Third Persons P.O.V
Japanese War ships approaches the SEA (South East Asian) countries that were heavily colonized by Netherlands, United Kingdom, France (?) and America. The Japanese reached shore and scavenged around the new lands. The Japanese went to war with the and colonized the South East Asian countries. (except Thailand, Thailand works for them..I think) After a few weeks of getting colonized by the Japanese Empire a certain somebody gets their house raided by Japanese soldiers.

"それらを押したまま!" a soldier says as the other soldiers pin me down to the ground. 3 more soldiers came into my house and try and find something then a certain country walks into my house. "それらを手放す." The country said as she walks into my house. The soldiers let go off me and I stood up dusting my pants. "I apologized if the soldiers were a bit rough." she said as she held out her hand waiting for me to shake it. I shook her hand and was sweating hard. "My name is Japan Empire. I suppose you know me before I took your country's land." she said as she smile. "Y-Yes I do ma'am." I said with a little of confidence.

Third Person's P.O.V
After meeting JE, JE recruited Y/N as JE's right hand man. They talk a lot and soon they became inseparable.

Present Time...

As I entered the office I hear Japan talking about something to Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. The look towards me as I opened the door. "Oh sorry, I will g-" I got cut off by Japan Empire. "No no no come in Y/N." she said with a smile. I walk into the room and closed the door behind me. I walk towards her desk and set the papers down. "Well I should be going now, goodbye." I said as I waved at them. "Wait Y/N I need you to stay here first." she said as she grabs my hand. I looked at her and nodded. I stood there for about 5 minutes before the meeting ended. The two countries walked out of the room. "Now Y/N, I wanted to tell you something.." she stated while blushing. "I really liked you a lot Y/N, the moment I saw you..you made my heart flutter." she blushed very hard in the end while looking at me. "I-I'm sorry Japan but I don't feel the same way." I said as the aura changed around me. Her eyes pricked with angry tears and pushed me to the ground. "Well I guess we have to do it the hard way."

Third Person's P.O.V
Japan called guards in and hold him down. They knocked Y/N out and Japan smiles evilly. "I love you and you WILL love me." was the last words that Japan said before making the guards carry him to the prisoner room.


3. Yandere female! Prussia Empire x Male! Reader
Title: Final Glory
AN: I'm very tired some I'm going to make this short sorry.
Third Person's P.O.V
Y/N was already kidnapped and tried to escape multiple times but he cant run away forever. Prussia walks into a their shared bedroom with a gloomy mood. She sees Y/N looking out the window with tears. She walks up to Y/N and said "Oh Y/N don't be sad...you know it hurts my heart seeing you sad like this." She says as she wipes away his tears. Prussia hugs Y/N as Y/N cries on her chest. She carried him to bed, he was surprisingly very light. Y/N slept on the bed with Prussia.

Next morning...

I woke up on the bed with no Prussia. I sat up and stretched. I got off the bed and walked into the bathroom that's when I found pills. I looked at them for about 5 seconds before grabbing it and opening it. I now had the pills in my hand.

Prussia Empire's P.O.V
I walk into our bedroom to see no Y/N and I hear something in the bathroom. "Hello, Y/N are you in there?" I said knocking on the door. I was not a patient person so I opened the door. "Y/N what are you doing with those pills?" I asked him with a worried face. He looks down on them and was about to eat them when I grabbed his hand. I looked at him with teary eyes as he look at me with teary eyes. I took away the pills and put them in the bottle. "Why would you try and do this?" I asked him with a shaky voice. "I-I..." He went silent and let tears fall off his eyes. "Are you happy here?" I asked as I gently grab his hand. He nods his head while still crying. "Please don't lie to make me happy.." I said while letting tears fall off my eyes. He shake his head in a no manner. I hugged him as he sits down with me on his lap and cry's on my shoulder.

"Don't cry my love I forgive you..but I hope you forgive me too"

AN: I think this is short I'm not sure cause I'm using mobile and not pc
Ended on: 29/4/2022
Started on: 29/4/2022

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