My identity

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"Hmm.. There must be some other reason why your here.. Your not the kind of person to waste your time on something as insignificant as that."

"Ah.. You saw right through me.. Well, I just wanted to ask.. Who are you?"

I froze.. He shouldn't know.. Not yet, But what could I do? Lie? Run away? I took a deep breath and decided to try and hold it off

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You know what I mean.." He said, his eyebrows furrowed, he knew I didn't want to tell him

"Oh.. Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answers to.." I stated

"I want to know the answer, quit stalling and tell me.." He said

"No." I answered

"Well, I'm sure Tschigomori would know.. Why don't I ask him?" He said

I'm sure I would rather tell him then Tsuchi.. But what are the chances he would actually betray me? He knows what happened, he knows who I am, so he won't.. Right?

"Ok, then ask." I said

"Alright, but your coming with me!" Hanako said as he scooped me up into his arms

"Hey! Let me go!" I screamed, scratching and clawing as him

"No, not until I know who you are!" He replied as he fazed through walls and flew incredibly fast

We finally made it to the library where Tschigomori was grading assignments and marking papers..

"Hi Hanako, and Tsuki." He said

"Hey number 4! I have a very important question for you!" Hanako said, still
Carrying me in his arms

"Go on.." Tsuchi replied

"Do you know Tsukis identity?" He asked

Tschigomori paused and looked up, he looked at me at I shook my head, it told him not to tell Hanako, he understood.

He pretended to think.. Then he finally said "I don't believe I do.." Tschigomori said

His acting was flawless, Hanako seemed to buy it.

"Aww.. Can you atleast do some sorta research on her?" Hanako pleaded

"Hanako.. You know I don't have time for that I-"

"Pleaseeee" Hanako begged

"Fine.." Tschigomori said

"Hanako.. Put. Me. Down." I growled

"Oh! Sorry!" He said and he dropped me.

"Well, I must be going now! Tsuki~ I will be back for you~" He said and he raced out the door

Me and Tsuchi let out a sigh of relief.. God I was so lucky we were friends

"L/n.. I'm only going to hide your identity for two months.. Ok? You have to find some way to let go of your fear and tell him unless you want me to do that for you..

" O-ok.. Thanks for helping though, I will make sure to give you something in return!" I said, a small flower crown grew on my head indicating I was satisfied..

"What's that?" He asked pointing to my flower crown

"Oh! You know I died of the hanahaki disease, now I'm bonded to flowers! I don't really know how it works either." I responded

"Wait.. What?" He said, very surprised

"Ha, it said I committed suicide everywhere they have records of me.. That's half true, I had the hanahaki disease but committed suicide because it was so painful, it probably doesn't make sense to you, but.. It does to me and Amane.." I explained

Tsuchi raised a eyebrow, he still looked very confused.

"Oh.. Right, well you should get going, right?" He said as he grabbed a stack of papers he was about to grade

"Oh, Yashido.. I should probably go hang out with her, Bye!" I said

He waved, and I scurried out of the library.

"Tsuki!" Yashido yelled in delight as I cam running to her

"Yashido!" I said as I rushed to her side

"Have you seen Hanako? He isnt in the bathroom.." Yashido asked

"N-no, I haven't!" I answered

"Hmm, well since school is over I guess I get a free pass on cleaning! I'm going home, ok Tsuki? Bye!" She yelled as she threw her backpack over her shoulder.

"Bye.." I mumbled, and I started for the garden..

Your going to have to tell him someday.. What if it turns well? Ah, who am I kidding, he despised me.. Its my fault.. I.. Just want to go back in time and fix this.. I thought as I dozed off into a long, relaxing sleep..

Ivy: Yes, I know the chapters usually end with you going to sleep, idc its easy to end off with and I'm probably going to keep doing it, word count is 748, see you next chapter

 -𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕕- Hanako x ghost reader (BEING REWRITTEN)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ