Part 30: Things Just Got Ugly

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You closed the hole and rushed to find Herobrine. As much as you wouldn't mind for Herobrine and Steve to just give up on the whole who gets you and be civilized around each other, you knew that would never happen. At least, as long as you are in the picture.

~Steve's POV~

I finally found it! That Notch damn portal! I could finally get my revenge... I could imagine the scene. Herobrine sitting on his knees, begging for me not to kill him, not to take (Y/N) away from him. I imagined his voice, high and pleading, screaming that (Y/N) was everything to him. That wouldn't stop me. Hell, it would encourage me. 

Herobrine would soon be regretting his decision to teach me the basics of coding. Although I couldn't find my way into the void with a sure way of getting back, I could easily find small glitches in my world and use them to do the unthinkable. I made Herobrine mortal. More than that, I made it so he couldn't respawn. Once I get my sword through his fucking head, that's it for the "oh-so-powerful" Herobrine. Then whatever he did to brainwash (Y/N) into thinking she loved him would be gone.

~Your POV~

"Herobrine!" you screamed as you ran through the palace/mansion, "Herobrine!"

You rushed into every room to look for Herobrine, he wasn't anywhere. You were about to give up when you remembered the Hitler/War Table Room. You ran there as fast as your legs could carry you. You crashed through the door screaming nonsense and blabbering constantly.

"What is it (Y/N)?! What are you blubbering about?! Has a troll blown up the mansion?!" Herobrine was in full panic mode.

"No! No! Steve! Steve! He's... He's here! He found you! He's got a sword!" you screamed through gasps.

"What?! But, he couldn't have! I erased his memory of the portal location!" Herobrine was flipping out.

"That you did, asshole, that you did," came a voice not nearly as deep as Herobrine's, but full of so much rage, so much anger, so much hatred, it shook you from the inside out.

You gasped. Shaking in pure fear, you scrambled back and hid yourself under the table. Herobrine himself had just recovered from the panic you gave him.

"If you've come for (Y/N)," Herobrine stated, his voice so deep it boomed in the large room, "You aren't going to have her. She doesn't want you. You can believe I brainwashed her again as much as you like, but you can't force her to live with you, nor can I. So you can come up with as many devious plans as you like and as many fantasies too. Yet, none will ever come true,"

"You think I'll just listen to you?!" Steve screeched, "What lies have you filled (Y/N) with?! That you're the innocent one and I'm the corrupted son of a bitch?! 'Oh, (Y/N), I'm not the bad guy, I was with you since you were ten. I didn't even think of killing you!' Yeah right!"

With each word Steve had said, you saw Herobrine's fist clench tighter and tighter. He was going to blow, and it wasn't going to be pretty. You had to get away before things got ugly. You tried to crawl away until Steve noticed and brought you into the heated argument. That was it. That was the fuel needed for Herobrine to go full out ballistic. He screamed and launched at Steve, full armor and holding two swords.

Things had gotten ugly, and they were about to get uglier.

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now