Chapter 11-The Note

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It had taken us a while, but we finally knew where to go.  With the gray egg tied tightly to my chest and Cactus touching my wing with his, I was happy, no matter how exhausted.  I was looking at the note again, looking at the instructions.  The note read:

"NightWing, if I am not mistaken, the egg you are carrying with you is a hybrid egg and you are on the run.  If this is true, go to the lowest cave opening on the northern side of Ghost Mountain, the second tallest mountain in Pyhrria.  Wait there when Imperial, the largest moon, is full and stay no matter what happens there.  Going there might let you into a haven for hybrids and dragons running from un-just rules and Queens, and would be your, and your egg's, best chance for survival."

ScorpionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя