Part 1 / the invitation

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*Kenny's POV*

We all take our seats in the classroom as Mr. Garrison came in and began the lesson, we had English.
In the middle of the lesson I heard Stan and Wendy talk to eachother and they laughed like lovebirds. Disgusting- Like jea love is awesome and all, but I'm not the type for staying Relationships. What can I say, I love what people in a relationship do, but not just with one.

,,Stan, Wendy please take you're little love talk to the break! Thank you.'' Mr. Garrison said. The most of the class laughed and the both looked exposed. Bebe and Kyle were the only one who didn't laughed.

After class I stand with stan,Kyle,Eric and butters in the middle our schoolyard, as the other "Boygroup" (Craig's gang) came to us. ,,Hey Marsh" Craig started ,,what's up today with the girls they look at your group all the time and smile like there are the Joker" he looked confused.
,,Man I don't know, ask the girls not us.  And aren't they always like that?" Stan snapped annoyed. He really doesn't like Craig. I mean I like him, he's my smoking buddy! Anyways- they start discussing and then Kyle and Eric started too so I took butters and walked with him away. Rather said we tried to run away but were stopped by the girls. "Stop fighting or discussing and listen!" Wendy said, and looked to Stan. He looked like he thought about why for a moment, but then did and smiled. Wendy smiled back and then she said ,,okay boys, we, means you guys and the us the girls party-night tonight. No is not acceptable." She said that like ice. Creepy-. We all agreed except Eric. ,,yea-no. I'm busy" he said. ,,and? We don't care if you come or not. The only person who is important to come will come." Bebe said, red looked at her and looked at her like she said to much. ,,and who is "this person" ?" Kyle asked. The girls didn't answered, they just said "Wendy's house, after school" and then left. Weard? But okay, we all agreed to come, We even persuaded Eric to come. 

~Afer school~

,,Okay so we walk together to Wendy's house?" Butters asked. ,,yes butters" Kyle agreed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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