Chapter 19: Crazy Lockhart

Start from the beginning

"No, it won't. Trust me !" He says. I hesitate, but I nod, and let go of my hair. Theo swings the book at the pixie and it goes flying. I smile at him, but before I can thank him, he grabs my hand and we run out of the classroom. We meet up with our Slytherin friends.

"Thanks for that, Theo." I say, panting a little.

"No problem." He replies. "I'm always there to help a damsel in distress." He winks at me. I smile and shake my head.

"You alright, guys ?" I asked them. They slowly nod, especially Draco with a particularly nasty expression on his face. He's staring at Theo. I frown.

"What's got your wand in a knot ?" I asked him. He just blinks and shakes his head.

"Nothing." He replies. Ok, weird.

"Ok, then. Hey, Beth, are you gonna try out for Quidditch this weekend ?" I asked her. We start walking back to the common room. She nods, so quickly.

"Of course, I am ! What about you ?" She asks me. I laughed, and nudged her.

"Wouldn't miss it." I say, smiling at her. She laughs and wraps her arm around my shoulders. I smile. I really love Beth !

"Come on, Beth ! We'll be late !" I yell as she struggles to get her shoes on. It's the weekend, and we're about to try out for Quidditch ! Yay !

"I'm ready !" She says, standing up. We ran out of the common room and down to the Quidditch pitch. We get there when everyone else is arriving. I smile when I see Draco and we run up to him.

"Are you trying out too ?" I asked him. He smirks at me.

"No, I'm already on the team." He replies. I frown. How is that possible ? He sees my confusion and chuckles.

"Don't worry about it. You'll find out if you get in." He says. I'm about to ask him what he means, but Flint is calling us over.

"Alright. We're going to split off into two groups. One for chaser, and one for beater. We've got the rest of the positions sorted, but we still have two spots for chaser open and one spot for beater. So, let's get started. Beaters, first." Flint instructs. I sit down with Beth as we watch. I noticed that we are the only girls at the tryouts. Hmm. Odd. Soon, it's our turn. We do some laps around the pitch, and then, take turns in passing the Quaffle to each other, while shooting it through hoops. I smile. I've gotten all of my goals in, so far. The whistle blows, and we are called back to land.

"Ok, I have decided. For chasers, we are going to have Adrian Pusey and Cosmina Potter." He says; I smile and stare. I did it ! Although, I will be the only girl on the team, but, oh well. I smile at Beth. She doesn't look too upset.

"Ok ! The new team, please stay here ! Everyone else, you can go !" Flint says. I waved goodbye to Beth, and then, walked with Draco to where Flint is at. He has a big smile on his face.

"Courtesy to Draco's father, we all have been gifted with new brooms this year." He says, so proudly. My mouth falls open. Nimbus 2001's ?! Oh my gosh !!! This is amazing ! I smile, so excitedly. We each take a broom.

"Now, we have practice tomorrow morning. Meet in the Great Hall in your Quidditch uniform." Flint says. We nod and head towards the castle. I stare at my broom the whole time.

"How on earth did you manage it ?" I asked Draco, so quietly. He smiles.

"Just thought I'd give the team a bit of a treat." He says. I look up at him and smile.

"Thanks, Draco." I say, so softly. He just smiles.

"Mina, where have you been ? Wait... what's that ?!" Beth cries as soon as we enter the common room. I smile at her.

"What, can't ever recognize a broom where you see one ?" I asked her, so cheekily. Everyone in the common room is staring, open mouthed. Then, the place erupts in cheers. Beth pulls me into the dormitory, and I give Draco a "goodbye/sorry" glance. I lay the broom down on my bed and we admire it together.

At breakfast the next day, we eat, so quickly. All the Slytherins are talking about our brooms. I smile. We head out towards the Quidditch pitch. I walked next to Draco. I smiled at him. Wow, he's gone a long way from being the prick in Madam Malkin's robe shop !

Before we get to the pitch, we are stopped by the Gryffindor team. I'm standing behind Adrian, so I can't really see what's happening. I hear Wood reading the note that Professor Snape gave us.

"You've got new players. Who ?" said Wood. Flint gestures to us to walk forward. I step up with Draco, Adrian, and the new beater. I smile at my brother.

"And that's not all that's new this year." Draco says in a drawling voice. I roll my eyes. Of course, showing off again. The Gryffindors spot our brooms and gasp. I smile, so slightly. Hey, don't judge me ! The sorting hat did put me in Slytherin, remember ?

"Bit grand for you, isn't it, Weaselbee ? What have you got, a Comet 360 ?" Draco drawls. The Slytherins laugh, but I just stare at Draco in shock. He's starting this again ?! Really ? I nudge him in the ribs and shake my head.

"Well, at least, no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent." said Hermione, walking over to us with Ron. I smile and start laughing, so slightly, with the Gryffindor team. Go, Hermione ! Draco looks at me laughing and frowns.

"No one asked for your opinion, you filthy little mud blood." He says, so savagely. Everyone stops laughing and stares at him. The Gryffindor team lunges forward and Ron pulls out his wand. I just stare at Draco in absolute horror. How could he say that ?!

"Eat slugs, Malfoy !" Ron yells, but his spell backfires, and he falls on the ground, vomiting up slugs. The Slytherins start laughing. I turn to Draco.

"How dare you ?!" I scream. The Slytherins stop laughing and the Gryffindors turn my way. I didn't notice.

"How could you say such a horrible thing ? I thought you were better ! I thought that you were past being the stupid prick from Madam Malkin's ! And how dare you insult the Weasleys ?! You have already done that more than enough times ! Stop putting other people down, just because you're afraid that they're better than you ! No one cares what you think ! I thought you'd already realized that !" I yelled, so angrily. He stares at me in shock.

"Mina..." He starts to say. Then, I don't think so. Rage takes over. I punched him right in the face. Hard. Really hard. I heard a crack and instantly saw blood. Good.

"Don't you dare insult my friends ever again." I say, so quietly. Then, I turn away and help Harry and Hermione pick up Ron, who's still throwing up slugs. Everyone watched us as we pass, and head down to Hagrid's hut. Good. I don't even care anymore. All I can see is red.

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