11 | Hansel and Gretel

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Ethan Addington let out a giggle at the sight of the little witch Hansel and Gretel encountered in the mysterious hut made of fake sweets. The children watching broke into a laughing fit as the witch attempted to eat Hansel and Gretel.

'Since they are too lean, she decided to feed Hansel first, using Gretel as a slave' The little witch bumps into the cardboard made wall and rubs on her forehead, trying to show how poor her sight was.

'Hansel then replaced his finger with a chicken bone, postponing his death'

The sides of Rouxs' lips twitched as he watched Emma Addington pretend to work, wiping the fake sheen of sweat from her forehead. The children dance as they push over a box which served as an oven which the little witch attempted to bake Hansel and Gretel in.

Emma Addington twirls along with the witch, outsmarting her as she throws her into the box where she lets out a inaudible yell as she gets burnt. The children dance back into the hut where they find gold (a bunch of chocolate coins), jewelries and other valuables.

Raina McCoy let out a small laugh as three little girls dressed in a bird costume then lead Hansel and Gretel back home in a dance.

'Once they returned, their stepmother laid on the floor with her hands pressed to her chest. She had died in the mean time' The children danced and twirled around her.

Gathering together with their regretful father, the entire cast circles with Emma Addington and the boy who played as Hansel in the front and as the song finally comes to an end, the children take a bow and the audience breaks into cheers.

The ballet instructor grabbed a microphone and walked towards the children with a wide smile as her eyes skimmed through the amount of parents and guardians seated in the theatre to support their children, " The siblings; Hansel and Gretel were taken to the forest by their parents and this is important because it addresses one of the primal human fears, to be abandoned by loved ones "

Her eyes skimmed through the crowd then stopped on Roux Addington who froze in return before clearing his throat and looking away, " Or to be forced to abandon somebody you love. So thank you all for watching this play and have a beautiful day ahead! "

As soon as Wilbert Walker dropped Raina McCoy and the children back at the mansion, he zoomed off along with Roux Addington who had some work to resume. Before Raina could step into the mansion, Emma Addington immediately threw herself at her, pulling her into a tight hug.

" Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much, Missus Raina! "

" You do not need to thank me, Emma " Raina spoke softly as she caressed the girl's cheek. It was her duty after all and she had no idea why the child was so grateful for such a small act.

" But I do, Missus Raina! You made papa come watch me dance for the first time "

Raina opened her mouth and shut it immediately, words not being able to form. She was speechless. Such a small action meant a lot to the child and she was content in making her happy, in whatever way she could.

" I see you both are bonding pretty good " A voice spoke out as the front doors opened. Raina McCoy adjusted the sleeping boy in her arms and a small smile broke out on her face at the sight of the man who stood at the door, cradling a bucket of popcorn in his arms.

" UNCLE SEB! UNCLE SEB! " Emma hollered joyfully, immediately rushing towards him and throwing herself in his arms. He caught her with ease, hoisting her up so she could wrap her legs around him.

Sebastian Addington narrowed his eyes at his little niece as she shoved her little hand into his popcorn bucket, popping some pieces into her mouth, " I will let that slide just this once, only because you look cute in your little tutu "

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