The first morning

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Ceylin woke up at half-past six. While she sat in her bed, last night was rushing through her brain.

,,You lied to me! How could you hide the truth from me? You knew that your brother killed my father!"

,,Ceylin, please listen to me!" Ilgaz grabbed her hands with fear. Ceylin shook her head refusing to listen to Ilgaz. ,,I didn't know it. It has been just a few days since I learnt it. I was preparing myself for the confession, but Yekta came and destroyed everything.

,,Preparing yourself?" laughed Ceylin with tears in her eyes. ,, You're the one who needs preparing? As I remember your father and your siblings are alive. I don't have any of them now.

Ilgaz went silent because he knew Ceylin was right. Ceylin looked down to hide her tears.

,,You're guilty too" she whispered.

She destroyed Ilgaz with only one sentence.

,,You're guilty too!" she repeated but now louder and she faced with him. Her eyes were filled with not just tears but with hate. She didn't even wait for Ilgaz's answer she turned her back to him and went right to the kitchen.

..By the way, love is about honesty, so I don't get why you're trying to save this thing between us!" she said while she was coming back with a broom to clean up the pieces of her glass of water. But when she arrived the room, Ilgaz had already left.


Ceylin shook her head and got up. All of her muscles were in pain but this pain was coming from her heart ,not from insomnia. She could still smell the scent of Ilgaz as she was walking in the house.

She went to the kitchen without looking at the dining room, and made a coffee for herself. As she was drinking it she was looking at her notes for that day's case in order to distract herself from Ilgaz. But it didn't matter how hard she tried, she couldn't distract her heart from Ilgaz.

She went to the dining room, and saw the consequences of the previous day. The smallest pieces of the glass were left in a little circle in the corner but the bigger piece of the glass was on the table, with a gladiolus in it. Ceylin looked at it, but wasn't able to touch it. Instead, she wiped her tears away, got dressed and left the house as soon as possible.

As Ceylin was driving towards the courthouse she was overwhelmed with the last few days. She learnt her father had been killed, she learnt that her love's brother killed him and her father-in-law helped him too. She felt none of their moments with Ilgaz real, it was the cause of a painful past now, not the reason of a peaceful present. Her hands were shaking but she changed her way firmly and headed to the airport. She didn't even care about her suitcase or about saying goodbye to anyone. Because she had no one who she could rely on.

As she arrived to the airport, she was so fed up with the pain that was on her chest for months now, she didn't stop for a moment and she got a ticket to the very next flight which was about to depart in 1 hour to Tokyo.

That one hour passed from seconds and seconds, and Ceylin couldn't stop thinking about what if Ilgaz would knew it and run here to say don't go. Would she stay? Would she leave? Although Ceylin was so angry with Ilgaz she couldn't drop him from her heart. With her brain she wished Ilgaz not coming but her heart was begging for the opposite.

Ceylin boarded the plane, but before it she had looked back to the building. She knew that she couldn't forgive herself if Ilgaz was there and she would leave without a single word. But Ilgaz wasn't there so she sat down on the seat of the plane and she became a bit relieved. That big pressure from her chest was about to leave too.

,,Did she leave, Eren? "

,,I'm  so sorry, Ilgaz." -said Eren while still looking at the empty place after the plane. He had been standing at a corridor, so Ceylin hadn't noticed him.

Ilgaz sought painfully and relied on his table in the office. If he had listened to his heart he would have run to the airport and said "Ceylin, don't go."But he listened to his brain and stopped himself even if it was the most painful thing he has ever done.

,,It was the best for her, Eren. I didn't lost her. She is still in my heart and she will be in the memories for today and forever."

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