10 - Lola: Unintentional Progress, Apparently

Start from the beginning

"Uh oh." Claire's eyes widened at my delayed reply and she began to pace, muttering to herself under her breath. When she was younger, she'd used to do this all the time, not even realising she was doing it most of the time. At one point, she'd been utterly convinced that Mark and I were psychic, because we could always know exactly what she was thinking. This time, she was muttering far too quietly for us to hear anything that she was saying.

"I knew this would happen; I knew it!" Finally the muttering stopped, and she came to stand in front of me.

"Lola, you have to snap out of this. Remember who he is. Remember why you hate him so much."

I tried to think back, but all that I could think of was that date. Somehow, it had taken less than a week for him to erase every ounce of hatred I'd had towards him. Logically I knew that he couldn't possibly undo everything he'd done. I should probably still hate him for all of it, but for whatever reason, I just couldn't bring myself to.

"Claire, it's not like I meant for this to happen. It's just... when I told him about my dad he was-"

I didn't get a chance to complete the sentence before Claire interrupted me. She had begun pacing again almost immediately after talking to me, but now paused in her tracks, shrieking in horror at me.

"You told him about your dad? Are you out of your mind?"

"I think this is my cue to leave." Quite honestly, I'd forgotten Mark was even there up until that point. Grabbing his jacket from the coat rack, he slipped past us both awkwardly to the front door.

"Good luck." He muttered under his breath as he passed and I smiled gratefully. We both knew that it was unlikely Claire was going to let this go for a while. I envied him for being able to escape.

Claire was still breathing heavily as the door slammed behind me, and I could tell just by her expression how much control it was taking her not to yell in my face.

"Did you kiss him?" The calm tone was somehow scarier than the yelling.

I didn't reply, but my sheepish expression no doubt gave away the truth.

"Nooo." She drew the word out painfully.

"I'm sorry. It's just, he was so sweet about the whole thing, and then he started telling me about Chelsea and-"

Claire interrupted me once again.

"Who the hell is Chelsea?" Her voice rose incredulously and I tilted my head curiously.

"He didn't tell you when you were dating?" I asked thoughtfully, and she shook her head.

"So it's not just a story he uses to get girls?" A smile began to form on her face as she shook her head.

"You know, maybe you haven't completely screwed things up. You still willing to do this?"

I was surprised to find that the immediate answer I thought of was actually no. However, Claire didn't wait for a verbal reply before seeming to mentally imagine the answer she wanted to hear.


I swallowed guiltily as she looked me up and down in confusion.

"Why are you so wet?"

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So, they're both trying to beat each other at the same game, wonder how that will turn out?!?! Hope you enjoyed:




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