I scoffed at his explanation
In these last two years he had many night stands besides 'friends with benefits' relation with his colleague Aasha. The thing was, she invested emotions in that benefits thing while my dumb ass brother just ended things when she confessed her feelings to him ,truth to be told she is a very beautiful and humble girl. I suggested Ishaan to give it a try but he said that he is not ready yet for a commitment.

Mom and dad know nothing about this things we keep them to ourselves cause you know how typical Indian parents are.... Despite being highly educated my mom's still a narrow minded person when it comes to relationships but my dad's a super cool,broad minded one. But dad will disown my brother if known the count of girls he had slept with.

Rohan received us at the venue entrance and guided us inside to introduce us to his family and friends. Let's start the act folks!

My twin left me after we were introduced to Rohan's parents to look for a night stand. God his hormones are crazy as hell.

I came to know that rohan's family is quite big and freaking rich,his parents are super cool and his sister is just like me an extrovert.

"Are you in any relationship Ishitha? " Rohan's mom asked me

"No Aunty" I replied politely
I got the gist though

After chatting for a while with his family rohan ,me and his sister ruhanika left that place to fill our tummies and also to search my twin.

"Where are you? " I asked the next second my twin picked up my call

"Maybe you don't like the answer. Ask Rohan to drop you off at home. I will come home late tonight. Bye" With that he hung up. What a jerk.

"Every thing okay ishuu? " Rohan Enquired.

"Yeah ,actually I need a ride back home" I said, guilt surfed my heart. I will always burden the people around me.

"Oh I can do that gladly" He replied cheerfully

"Me too bhai( brother ) "
Ruhanika is showing her puppy eyes to which Rohan happily nodded.

Wow they are so.... Uh I am not getting a perfect word my own brother would never oblige to what I asked for. I am so entranced by ruhanika that I forgot about Rohan, in the middle of our conversation I turned to my left to see him speaking to a lady in her fifties, her back is facing me so I continued talking with ruhanika we are having a very good time though.

"Uh Ishitha? " Someone called my name from behind so I turned to see Mrs. Dahiya. I mean the dahiya Companie owner's wife for whom my parents has been working for. Seeing her I got up quickly to greet her but before I could do that she pulled me in for a tight hug.

"How have you been darling it's been many years since I have last seen you" She said caressing my cheeks.

"I am so good aunty" I replied blushing like a tomato for getting so much attention and a two curious  pairs of eyes.

"Wait you know her badi maa? " Rohan asked her.
Aww his expression is priceless. I should have clicked a picture of him to show our friends at office.

"Yeah since ages" She said now half hugging me.

"Come to our home once,along with ishaan okay? " I just nodded.

Then I heard a familiar voice from Mrs Dahiya's back ,my assumption became correct when I see Aasha my brother's friend with benefits partner cum colleague.

"Badi ma wha.. " Aasha stopped in the middle seeing me. Yup we both are in shock. World is too tiny.

"Ishitha, she is my sister's daughter Aasha Dahiya" We both shook our hands awkwardly.

Omg today I got enough surprises of my life, never in my wildest dreams I thought that I would stand in this kinda situation thank god ishaan is not here otherwise the situation would have been a disaster. So fucking disaster.

"Okay aunty I will go home it's getting late, Mom and dad would be waiting for me" That's the only way to escape this place right now I think

"Okay take care bye, don't forget to visit us" Finally she allowed me to leave that place after kissing on my cheeks and forehead.

I am Fucking loosing my brain.... At this rate I will definitely need to see asylum.
Rohan and ruhanika dropped me at my home, it's 11.45pm by the time I reached our floor in elevator.
They insisted on coming till my house door but I didn't wanna waste their time anymore as it's nearing midnight.

Next day morning I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing
I sighed seeing the caller's name.

"Yeah Rohan? "

I asked in my irritated voice like seriously it's five in the morning who will wake up so early.

"Are you seriously marrying my brother? " Came his accusing voice

"what the fuck are you talking rohan don't tell me it's a prank after I kicked you in balls with my six inch heel"

I screamed and hung up, just when I am about to continue my beauty sleep my mom is banging on my door

"what? "

I shouted after opening the door but my mom has this super cool expression on her face which is a reminder of my doom.

"Get ready and come to have breakfast" With that she left.

What is happening? My busy mom will never do something like calling me for breakfast there is definitely something going on in this house. I am not ready.

As it's a weekend I didn't bother to put on my routine yet little make up I mean moisturizer, sunscreen, eyeliner, chapstick and moved towards dining table to have food. My remaining family members are already waiting for me at the table so I hurried and served my plate with chapathi and palak paneer. I turned to my left to see my twin fresh and active like always. Didn't he had sex last night? Is he not tired?

And in the middle of my breakfasting I got the shock of my life

"Ishuu you are getting married to dahiya's eldest son
Dr. Arjun Dahiya"

My mom announced and I looked at my dad to see whether i am hallucinating or really hearing the name 'Dr. Arjun Dahiya' ,unfortunately my dad has this look saying you are listening correctly and turned to my brother to see his flabbergasted face. Then I remembered the call from Rohan Dahiya this morning

Oh I am indeed doomed.

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