The Lost Redeemer is Now Published!

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Hey everyone,

I thought I wouldn't be able to publish the first Aeonica book until May this year, but my proofreader got back to me a few days early (shout out to Fabled Planet!) 

I compiled the final ebook Monday night, and Amazon accepted it yesterday!

(There's a link in the comment above, or you can click the external link for this chapter)

I also scheduled the ebook for a free promotion this week, so you should definitely take advantage of that if you can. I've said it before, but my main goal with publishing is to reach new readers, not to profit more from my current readers.

Finally, if ebooks aren't your thing, I'm looking into paperback and audiobook options in the coming weeks! I'll let you know when I have those up.

Thanks for all your support,


The Lost Redeemer (Aeonica #1)Where stories live. Discover now