Suddenly, a woman ran in just as Ashton turned to stare at the door once more.

"The bride fainted!"

Fainted? Ashton frowned in confusion. Upon realization, his eyes widened in shock.

Thea, his soon to be bride, had fainted.

The hall became suddenly noisy. Ashton looked at his father anxiously and without wasting anymore time, rushed out and his father followed.

"This will be resolved in a while, please we should all remain calm!" Mr. Ryder said before following Ashton out of the hall.


"Doctor, what's wrong? Will she be alright?" Mrs. Ryder asked.

Ashton anxiously waited on the doctors remark. His eyes darted to Thea that laid on the bed, resting.

"She will be okay. She'll wake up anytime soon." They all involuntarily sighed in relief.

Mrs. Ryder held her chest letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank God! She gave me quite a fright. I almost thought today was going to be ruined."

"But why did she faint? What could cause her to faint.... unexpectedly?" Mr. Ryder asked walking closer to the doctor in a few steps.

"She must have consumed something that wasn't good for her health and the baby," the doctor said and Ashton frowned.

"What baby?" Mrs. Ryder asked. "Ashton what baby is he talking about?" Ashton shook his head signaling that he didn't have a clue.

"The woman is with child, if you'll excuse me, I was urgently called. I would like to return to what I was formally doing." He said before walking away.

"Did you know she was pregnant?" Mr. Ryder asked with a frown.

"No, she didn't tell me anything like that, I didn't know she was pregnant." Ashton said mainly to his mother, not wanting to meet his father's stare.

"I knew something would go wrong today." Mr. Ryder exclaimed.

"Austin, you shouldn't talk like that!" Mrs. Ryder said.

"I need to be alone with her," Ashton said to them coming to sit besides his soon to be bride. He swept her hair off her face and took them behind her ear.

She moaned in tiredness hours later. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and she stared right into the eyes of her Fiance.

"Hey," he said to her softly. She looked at where he had interlocked their fingers together and back to his face.


"You scared me back there," he said to her.

"Where am I?" She asked, looking around her for clue. Ashton tightened his hold on her reassuringly.

"You fainted. You are in my room now, how are you feeling?" He said to her.

"I'm feeling alright, I am alright." She told him.

"Do want to know why you fainted Thea?" He asked and in turn, she stared at him curiously. "You're pregnant Thea, that's what the doctor said."

"Pregnant? I didn't know, i-"

"Am I the father?" Ashton asked and she paused.

"What kind of question is that? You know that I have not been with anyone but you." She told him.

"I know Thea, I trust you. I know you won't betray me." He said holding their hands to his chest. "I just... I'm just scared that's all, I don't want to lose you that's all."

"Ash, what did Mom say? And Dad?" Ashton only hugged her to himself.

"Don't worry what they say, I'm always with you Thea. It's us against the world, remember?" She nodded frantically, blinking her tears away.

"What about everyone?" She asked.

He said, "It's 4pm already, everyone has already left except your mother. I told them to wait downstairs till you wake up."

"But the wedding-"

"You aren't well Thea. Besides, we aren't in a hurry. We can get married whenever we like."


Just then, the door opened revealing Mr. Ryder. He strode inside the room before coming to stare daggers at Thea.

"Leave Ashton,"

"But Father-" Ashton tried.

"I won't let my family's name be dragged to the dust. I said leave, I need to have a word with your so called Fiancée." He said to him.

Ashton hesitated. Staring at Thea once more time, he gave a tired sigh and walked out of the room closing the door and trapping them both in it.

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