ᴍᴇᴇᴛɪɴɢ • ᴏɴᴇ

Start from the beginning

you nodded, hoping the boy would continue to rush off to class so you didn't have to walk with him. "i don't have any friends to sit with in that class, wanna sit together?" the boy asked, giving you a bright smile. you just stared at him like he was an idiot.

"ah sorry- am i bothering you?" he panicked slightly, clearly he wasn't very good with people either. you gave him another bored stare before walking faster into the class. your eyes darted around the class looking for a desk that only had one empty seat so he couldn't sit next to you. you didn't mean to be rude, you just preferred to not have a heart attack because you didn't know how to converse with such an energetic person, venti was bad enough.

you saw one and immediately rushed over to it, leaving the blondie to stand in the doorway. you sighed and leaned back in your chair. you glanced beside you, the girl next to you was noelle, thank fucking god.

you smiled in relief. you had never talked to the girl, but she was quite friendly and quiet, so you figured this seat was a good option.

you did feel slightly guilty for ignoring aether like that, he was only trying to be nice. you looked towards him in the doorway. he was just looking around the room, he seemed to be quite uncomfortable. he looked over to you, giving you a sort of awkward smile. aether walked over to the desk in front of you, taking a seat and turning his attention to the window.

noelle looked up from the book she was skimming through, finally acknowledging your presence. she smiled sweetly at you, which you returned. class eventually started, although you weren't paying attention. you were busy drawing all sorts of weird creatures down the side of your workbook, not noticing the gaze of the blondie on you.

"[full name]." your teacher raised her voice, her tone stern, causing you to look up.

"uh- yes miss?" you looked at her plainly. the countless stares were making you uncomfortable, you could hear a few kids in the back laughing. your teacher just shook her head and sighed before giving you an exhausted look. "[name], please pay attention in my class." you looked down at your book, nodding slowly. the kids around you whispering to each other wasn't helping.

"now, can you please answer the question on the board?" your teacher asked, pointing at the white board. you glanced towards noelle, hoping she'd help. she shrugged her shoulders giving you a soft smile. "sorry, I don't know the answer." noelle whispered an apology. you mentally panicked. you looked back at the teacher, but then noticed aether mouthing words to you. "uh...because of the archaeological findings? "

you prayed aether's answer was the right one and you didn't just make a fool of yourself. to your luck, your teacher nodded, her eyebrows raised slightly. "that...is correct. i guess you do listen sometimes. still, please try to focus more on what i'm teaching instead of your drawings." you nodded, shrinking into your seat. your gaze moved to aether as he turned around.

well, it could have been worse.

finally the bell for second session went off. you quickly picked up your bag, reaching to grab your books. aether walked over and grabbed some of the stuff from your table for you, putting them in your bag. you stared at him, confused.

"you have sport next, right?" he asked, handing your bag to you. "i'll walk you." he smiled, hooking his own bag over his shoulder.

"why are you talking to me?" you asked him straight forward, giving aether an annoyed look. you weren't used to this at all. you preferred when people would just ignore your existence. "ah- well, venti mentioned you didn't have any friends in history, so he wanted me to talk to you." you raised an eyebrow. so venti asked him to befriend you? that little shit.

you sighed in irritation, turning to walk away. aether followed beside you with a calm look on his face. "sooo... you know venti pretty well then?" you asked, continuing to face forwards, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. aether turned his head to you, a little happy you were talking to him. "yeah, i guess so. we're in the music club together."

the music club, that's the one xinyan started. you thought. you were happy people joined the club. back when xinyan first started it, nobody wanted to join. you were originally planning to join it, but you were already busy with art club and trying to find a job.

"[name]!" you heard venti screech. he was waving at you from the sport building. you awkwardly said goodbye to aether and rushed over to venti, catching him in a headlock.

a few minutes later, you were now in your pe uniform, playing a game of dodge ball with the class. you picked up a ball and threw it across the court before walking over to venti.

"did you tell that blonde kid to talk to me?" you asked, catching the balls that were thrown over and throwing them harshly back without bothering to aim at anybody in particular. venti turned his head to you, panting as he threw a ball across the court. "yeah, you kept complaining about being lonely in history, and my friend aether is in that class so i thought it would be a good idea!"

you rolled your eyes. "i'm only in his history class because of you." venti snickered at your comment, passing the ball in his hands to you. "you'll get along with him, i'm sure of it!" he said, smiling like the idiot he is.

you glared at him and threw the ball at his face.

xiao walked over, ruffling venti's hair. "what, don't you like aether?" he asked sarcastically, grabbing the ball off the floor and throwing it towards a random person across the court who was hit directly in the head. "he's a little too bright for my liking." "you'll get along with him eventually." you nodded, not believing him at all.

(timeskip to after pe in changing rooms cus im lazy)

"archons, that was tiring." lumine complained, taking her pe shirt off and changing back into the school uniform. you turned away from your locker to look at her. "that attitude is pretty different from your brother." you joked, shoving your pe uniform in your locker.

lumine looked at you, laughing. "yeah, he's stupidly optimistic." lumine turned back to her locker, pushing her pe uniform inside. "even though the club he's in is supposed to be getting closed soon, he doesn't seem at all worried." you stared at her plainly, xinyan's club was getting closed?


you yawned as you walked to the music room. it was now lunch; you had just come from english with venti and xiao. you arrived at the music room, opening the door and stepping in, xiao and venti following close behind. "AH- [name]!!!" xinyan dropped her guitar, rushing over to you and hugging you tightly. you stumbled back a bit, laughing as you wrapped your arms around her waist.

"pfft, and i get yelled at for being noisy." venti huffed, turning away and sitting down on the couch at the back of the room. xiao chuckled from the younger boy actions as he over to sit next to them.

xinyan stepped back, taking your hand and dragging you over to the mini stage at the front of the room. fischl waved as you were pulled past, not looking up from her phone.

you five often hung out in the music room, since it was empty during lunch time. it was also one of the only rooms you and xinyan could play your guitars in and not get in trouble for being too loud.

xinyan picked up your guitar, handing it to you as she sat down on the mini stage. "here you go, all fixed!" you admired the guitar as you sat down on the stage with her. "be more careful with the strings next time, i can't always fix it for you." she laughed, patting your back.

"mm, thanks a lot." you smiled at her, standing up and attaching the strap onto the guitar and pulling it over your head. xinyan did the same, giving you a thumbs up.



will it take twenty hundred years to get the motivation to write the next chapter? absolutely.

will i publish this anyway? yes.


i also don't know how to play guitar so iont even know how im supposed to write this sobs

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