The Boring life of Haiely Baldwin

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Continuous beeping of a bed side alarm..
A slender lady is seen turning on her bed, disturbed by the unrelenting sound of the alarm.
The lady groans and viciously hits the alarm quiet, she stretches on her pink sheets while letting out a yawn and rolling into her comforters and sheets. She sits up on her bed and scratches her eyes, she looks around like in a trance, then she sighs and goes to the bathroom
Hi, am Hailey Baldwin, and you could say i have a rather boring life, I'm a stage manager, and i really hate the job, I've tried going into modelling but I've always been rejected at the auditions, you could say im neither beautiful or ugly, at least that's what I think about myself
I have oval eyes, a long face and sharp cheek bones, a little upturned nose and a white skin, long curly blind hair that goes to my waist, generally i think I'm average
Today is Monday and I'm one my way to one of the things i hate the most in my life: My Job....
I'm a set manager for Drum co
We deal in set Management and allied disciplines for Celebrities, so please get word out i really need more sales.

*********************************Hailey is seen walking into a building, she is dresses in a pencil brown Burberry skirt, a white long sleeved Calvin Klein shirt, and a simple Moschino black heels, exposing her long straight legs

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Hailey is seen walking into a building, she is dresses in a pencil brown Burberry skirt, a white long sleeved Calvin Klein shirt, and a simple Moschino black heels, exposing her long straight legs.
I walk into the building greeting my coworkers and smiling bashfully
"Good morning Hailey" i hear from my side as i turn to see where it's from..
It was Jones, one of my most trusted workers
"Morning Jones, how's your eye" I reply genuinely happy he's not his usual withdrawn self today.

"Very fine Hailey"

"Hey Babe!" A slender lady squeals while running towards me and smiling, it was Samantha my best friend.

"Hi Samantha!" I squeal back, i haven't seen Samantha all weekend and it was so refreshing seeing her today, did i mention that Samantha was a beaut! A half Canadian and half American with beautiful voice and unique accent, great shape; Oh! I'm sure she'll ace any Modelling audition but she claims she isn't really into that.
Samantha's my best friend. I wouldn't have done much without her.

"Hailey you look good in this Calvin Klein top but dont get me wrong, never wear it again, you could look better."
"Any way, Mr Ray was here this morning, he wants to do a concert for Carmila Carbello   at Times Square, and wants us to manage the set.."

"Ughhh,"  i touch my forehead i could get a headache, if there's anything contributing to me hating my job it was Ray.
"Well tell him well take it up. Then send him a proposal." I say grudgingly.

"OK babe, dont forget besties dinner this evening."

"You've got yourself a date Samantha." I reply smiling as i made my way into my office.

I go into my office its a small room with white walls and mahogany cupboards with scanty awards and books in them. A large mahogany table sat in the office, my computer and a framed picture from my college graduation could be seen on it, few books and an iPad as well as some tabloids magazine are on the table.

Sitting down, a music; Sorry by justin Bieber filtered into my ears from the next room.
I sighed and massaged my temples with my thumb, an irritated look plastered across my face,

"Uggh", like who likes Justin Bieber, i thought out loud, by the way i forgot to tell you the thing i hated more than my job was that pompous dutch bag called Justin Bieber.
I mean why does he have to be so handsome, fit, plus his singing voice did no good bringing down his over pompous ego.
Plus I've met Justin once when I was 10, my dad forced me to attend this show he was performing at, and when my dad introduced me to him, he just looked so proud, and the look on his face was that look which spoke " I'm Justin Bieber and you must swoon over me" but i ain't that kinda girl, so i guess that's when I started hating him.
You must think I'm a nerd, i mean every Young Adult my age worships Justin, hmmm i geuss I'm just different.
God i hated him...
The closing of my office door jolted me out of my thoughts, Samantha my best friend and secretary walked into my office and from the look on her face i could tell she was happy.

"Hailey, guess what!"
"What is it Samantha?",

"The one and only Justin Bieber has offered us a hob to manage his set throughout his new world  Purpose tour!!!!!!!" She screamed excitedly
"Isn't that amazing,"
"Hmmm, he's so perfect..." She said dreamily, lost in her own thoughts and clearly irritating me.

"Wait what!, tell him we don't want the job."

Hailey, i know you dont like Justin and all, but our stocks are falking, we really need this job..
Besides this would be a good time to settle your scores with him, she said pleadingly while using her greatest weapon, her cute puppy eyes as she liked to call them.

"Ughh, my job just got worse." I spoke as i slumped into my chair

"Dont worry it'll be fun, you'll never know where this may lead" she said enthusiastically while smiling.
Hey everyone,
If you're done reading this chapter i want you to know I've prepared something great for you in this book, just keep up till the end.
I'm sure you'll love it.
I've carefully picked this Justin Bieber tale to give you the tingles and a fun reading time.
But we're in this together!!!
So please
And Share!!

Chance at LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora