Chapter 15: Wolf's Meeting with Goatsent

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Wolf lay himself down on the floor of grass, knowing full well that the goats would not come within shouting distance if they didn't feel safe around him. He pressed his tummy against the dew-covered turf and placed his chin on his crossed forelegs then waited with his eyes closed. Despite this napping pose, all his other senses were on high alert. Soon he heard the trip-trot of hooves. Since he was lying downwind, the scent of fresh goat tickled his nostril but he forced himself to lie as still as possible. The steps went still some distance away, and Wolf raised his head to see why they had stopped. It was a secret meeting after all, so shouting out their discussion so as to be heard over the distance would make this covert rendezvous pointless. His snarl of annoyance turned to surprise when he saw Goatsent separating from the group and continuing his approach alone.

Goatsent stopped at arm's length: Not so close that Wolf could get to his throat easily but far enough so he could lower his horns to defend himself if it should become necessary. In his most masculine bleat he said, "Good evening, Wolf."

"Good evening to you too, Prime Minister Goatsent. I am honoured to meet you." Wolf did not rise. Instead, he relaxed his posture further, yet making sure to keep his head up so that it would not look like he was grovelling.

Goatsent squared his hesitant shoulders and puffed out his chest. He was still not used to his new title (because the other goats still called him Elder Goatsent), but he felt that since it meant he represented Hill-side then he'd better looked the part. "Likewise." His eyes darted about: How do you start a diplomatic discussion? Was this a diplomatic discussion? It is just an inquiry, right?

Wolf recognised an amateur politician when he met one. He was tempted to tease, but the goats must have called for the meeting because of something to do with the Jungle. And since they were meeting Wolf instead of Fox, it must be a matter that they could not discuss with Fox. Wolf decided to ease Goatsent's awkwardness. After all, anything that was not for Fox was for Wolf.

"Your message said that you have something important to discuss. How may I help you?" Wolf flashed his friendliest smile. Even though wolves fully bare their teeth to each other as a sign of camaraderie, he knew not to raise his jowls to show his teeth to Goatsent who might misunderstand it as a sign of aggression.

Goatsent cleared his throat. "Well, we have a little problem that I think you might be able to advise us with." A pause as he again studied Wolf's relaxed pose. "It has to do with giving political asylum." He paused, unsure how to ask for a diplomatic favour.

"Ah yes, I heard that Hill-side has enacted a 'sanctuary-to-anybody' policy. Congratulations. That is most magnanimous of your herd."

In spite of his anxiety, Goatsent smiled: Wolf just called the goats noble and generous. He cleared his throat. "Well you see, we are more than happy to give sanctuary to anyone who asks, but sometimes the seeker is someone that will not thrive in our eco-system. However, we still feel that it is our duty to try to help him find a different sanctuary."

Wolf hummed thoughtfully. "Your hills are cold and arid. A cold-blooded animal will have a difficult time there."

"That is right," Goatsent said and almost plopped down on the grass with relief.

"Your asylum seeker is a reptile? He or she must be desperate to go to you," Wolf said with a worried frown on his brow.

Goatsent nodded. From the flow of their conversation and his unconcealed expressions, the goat decided that not only was Wolf smart, he was also altruistic. There was a high chance that he would help. "Minister Vixen sent us a letter asking for us to give political asylum to a journalist from your jungle."

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