you smell like spoiled milk

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"no that's not possible"

"it could be"

"no ants will rule the world like dinosaurs. tigers wouldn't"

"yes they would joey"

"why the heck would ants they'll just crawl all over you tigers will swallow you in one bite"

"ants can too. if they wanted too"


we looked over at patrick as he threw his bag down on the table sitting down

"what's up with you?"

"i just broke up with casey and now she's after you because i may or may not have told her you said it was up to me"

"patrick! i didn't mean it like that!"

"you said it was up to me!"

"not like that - "

i was cut off when i was being picked up, i looked over and saw eighth graders holding me up my my backpack with casey right next to them

"are you that jealous of me?"

"who said i was jealous"

"me duh."

"are you thinking right bec - "

"stop talking and just listen!"

"okay okay"

"what did i ever do to you that made you think you had to convince patrick to break up with me?"

"i was just telling him about the univer - actually you wanna know what you did to me? first grade, mrs. bells class, christmas party you ate my granola bar"

she rolls her eyes "whatever it was just a snack"

"that's not the point it was a strawberry bar! the best of all bars!"

"i don't even remember you being in my class"

"well obviously, you got held back like three times"

she gasped looking around "you said you wouldn't tell anyone!"

"it was an accident" i shrug

"bring her here!" i watch as she walks away

"hey put me down you beasts!"

i try kicking my feet as they take me out of the cafeteria

wow, i cannot believe the guys aren't doing anything.

this is ridiculous

and to think i call them my friends

"hey! what are you doing!!"

i try to push them away as they stuff me in a random locker

"i'll give you 20 bucks not to open it"



i look through the cracks as they walk off

"guys!? hellooo!"

i hang on the locker before just accepting it and sitting there

"hey parker"


"you thirsty? i'll get you some milk" i smile at anthony's nice gesture before realizing

"open up."

"wait -"

i gasp as cold milk hits my head dripping down on my clothes

"anthony!! open this locker right now!!"

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