Waterpark or nahh?

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I woke up bright and early to the sun in my face;

And Joey with his arm around me

I sprung  awake falling off the medium sized bed  some how

I fixed my pajamas and stood up hoping no one saw that

I shook as someone cleared their throat behind me

I slowly turned already embarrassed and saw joeys dad

I rubbed the back of my neck as he shut the door nodding

I licked my lips standing there like, I just witnessed a crime

I soon realized only Joey and Anthony were there

Where did Parker go?

My eyes scanned the room back and forth like my life depended on finding this girl before she found me

Which I miserably failed at for her tapping my shoulder

I jolted my hands around
If it weren't for her dropping to the floor things wouldn't look so good on my part;

As to hitting a girl 'unintentionally' but no one spreads true rumors so.

And since no ones in here besides all of of us so..


She stood up adjusting her newly worn outfit, which consisted of sage green sweats and a brown shirt with her converse

I hadn't realized I was staring to long till she said something

"Stop staring at me like that.."
She nudged my shoulder

"Like what?" I let out quickly followed by a gulp

"Like you've never seen me in clothes." She rolled her eyes and walked over to wake up joey and Anthony

I felt my cheeks flush

"Get up you big doofus" she slapped Joey and Anthony

They quickly got up and held their cheeks out of pain and probably wanting to hurt the girl back which for Anthony wasn't that big of a problem

Since he pinched her

"Hey!" She tackled him

You could hear Anthony begging for her to stop as she nudged his head over

"Say uncle!" She shouted holding him down

"No!" She started nudging him harder now

"OW! Okay okay uncle! Uncle!" She let go of him

"And the incredible PK wins again!" Joey narrated standing on the bed

"Thank you thank you." She bowed

"Now how many is that?"

"Not that anyones keeping count-" Anthony muttered rubbing his head

"Oh uhh 27-0? yeah that sounds right." She nodded smiling

"Whatever, now how are we gonna sign the slips?" Anthony spoke Changing the subject obviously embarrassed he lost once again to a girl

"We could forge them if they say no?" We all agreed to Parker's idea

"Sounds good to me." I shrugged

"Oh shut up! You just agree to whatever she says" Joey pushed my shoulder

"Do not!"

"Do too watch!" Anthony looked to Parker

"Hey Patrick, do you think you get my backpack from downstairs, I left my book in there?"

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