Is this what hell feels like?

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"Is this what hell feels like?-"

"Anthony! Don't say that he's your cousin!"  Anthony and his mom both bickered back to one another until she left

Today since we had nothing to do all our parents have us things to do like take in the groceries, take out the trash things like well chores

And right now we have to 'hangout' with Anthony's weird cousin for the whole day

This might actually be what hell feels like.

"Hey-hey do-do you guys like rockets because I love rockets?" You could literally hear how much mucus this kid Lucas had

Hey that rhymes, mucus Lucas.

"No I already told you, we like skateboarding, chips, and roller coasters." Parker spoke rolling her eyes

"Yeah but for Patrick it's skateboarding, chips, roller coasters, and Parker.." Anthony wiggled his eyebrows

"Shut up!" I playfully shoved him as he laughed at me

"Wait what? Are you Parker?"

She nodded to Lucas

A look of realization spread across his face

"Ohh so you like her? And you guys are still friends?" He gasped

"Oh my god." I muttered holding my face and collapsing on the bed behind her

They all laughed

"Erm yeah I would say so." She chuckled looking back to me

"You wanna build a puzzle?"

"No,-let's get outta here!"


"But-but I thought Mrs. Sanchez said we stay-"

"Are you in or not?"

It was silent as I'm guessing he was thinking

"Okay fine." He sighed

We all went downstairs trying not to step in the squeaky floor boards as she was watching a show in the living room

Anthony left a note on the door probably saying we went out

After that we ran off to town again

We went to our local drug store and bought some stuff

"Okay that'll be 16.30?" We took our money out and payed for it together

"Wait aren't you kids supposed to be in school?" We all looked at each other

"I'm just playing go on get outta here!" He laughed

As we were leaving and walking over to the skate park, Parker took my hat

"Hey give it back!" I laughed at her

"No I think I might just wear it." She placed it on her head

I knew I was blushing but didn't say anything else but laughed

Parker set down her board and rode it the same speed as we were walking

Parker was the only one who wasn't holding anything, like nothing

I had a bag of soda, Joey had chips, Anthony had some kind of sticky toy things, and Lucas had the candy

We skated to this secluded area and sat down on the bare cement

We dumped the bags out and all grabbed something

Joey was eating gummy worms, Lucas  was drinking the soda like No tomorrow, Anthony was sucking a lollipop and me and Parker were sharing a bag of skittles since we both reached for them

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