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The start of my new life was just like a flick of a finger. My past life had been so messy, filled with guilt and sorrows. My mother made me this way. She was too secretive and hid every piece of detail linked to my father and grandparents.

She made up stories about the outside world, claiming there were dangerous people out there who were interested in getting me killed. She used it as an excuse to lock me in my room, preventing me from interacting with other kids my age.

Finally, it was the early month of June. My birthday was just one day away. That night, I visualized and imagined how awesome it might turn out to be and scheduled my plans on my wish list.

I saw myself in a narrow store. The whole place was vacant except for a man who stared at me from a corner. I walked around the store and saw a red rose that glowed in a glass, and I pinned the rose to my hair. I noticed an attractive diamond necklace and wore it around my neck.

A strong connection drew me to the things I took; I felt they were meant for me and were the only items in the store. "Could you get me the key to unlock the door?" I asked the man in the corner after confirming the locked doors. "You are the key," he replied. "What do you mean?" I questioned. "You are the key," he repeated.

I was tense and confused by the answers he gave. I had no clue or hint of me being called a key. "I don't know you but I guess you are the one responsible for locking me. I'm sure you've kidnapped me," I cried out loud, almost tearing the store apart. "Stop that!" he yelled as he placed his hands on my shoulders. "Take a deep breath," he instructed. I didn't hesitate to do what he instructed and felt at ease afterward.

I was calm the instant he held my hand and brought it against his chest. There was something unique about this man in front of me, something absolutely special. "This is all I have to give," he said with so much strength and happiness in his voice.

I felt a strong energy wave through my whole body, something I had never felt before. "Be happy, my daughter, Luna," he said and faded into thin air.

I woke up and found out it was just a dream. "It's pretty strange," I thought. I gasped in shock, staring at the necklace on my neck. "Is this real?" I mumbled. I rubbed my eyes several times, making sure I wasn't dreaming. I gently took it off, observed it closely, and confirmed it was real, along with the rose in my hair. I immediately recalled his words, "my daughter, Luna." The thought of him being my father brought me back to reality. Many questions with unknown answers popped into my head. This was something unnatural, something unexplained. I wanted to discuss this with my mum but doubted she would believe it. I felt she was hiding something from me. I hadn't even come across a picture of my dad and feared he might be the man I saw in the dream.

"He could be somewhere around the world and might be alive," I whispered to myself with high hopes of him being alive.

I woke up to the scent of a blossoming rose in the garden. The atmosphere was pleasant. The sun's beams shone through my window, occupying the room's surface; it was a sign that the day was going to be bright. "Good morning, Nina," my mum greeted as she walked into my room and placed a cup of coffee on my table. "Good morning, Mum," I gestured and kissed her on the forehead. "Can I ask for a favor?" I asked, sitting close to her. "Yes, dear. And what could that be?" she replied.

I was a bit nervous, worried about how she would react. It was something I had planned on telling her for a long time but never dared to do so. "Ca... can I be permitted to go out?" I stammered. "Never ask for permission to leave the mansion! I thought we've talked about this. Why are you bringing this up?" she yelled in anger and glared at me with hate.

It was something I expected, the same shout and scold. It was something that wasn't worth shouting about. Her reactions were hiding something. At some point, I was doubtful if she was my mother because she never gave me the love and attention I needed. I wouldn't allow all the scheduled time I fixed to be terminated. Immediately after Mum left, I took a secret trail down the tunnel of my room, leading my way outside the mansion. I felt the fresh air and the cool breeze once again. The bright sun beamed on my skin, and the wind tousled my hair. I felt alive and free once again; the feeling was indescribable.

I danced and sang on the road, ignoring the stares people gave me. The first thing on my wish list was to swim in the narrow lake of Latvia, rumored to bring good luck and wishes to people. Nobody was at the lake when I arrived, which gave me the chance to enjoy the water. I took off my clothes, wearing only a bikini, and dashed into the water. The cool water gave me goosebumps and sent shivers down my spine; it felt so relaxing.

Suddenly, something floating on the water caught my attention. "It's a guy!" I shrieked. He had bruises and blood on his body. I shivered in fear, feeling highly tense and scared. I moved closer to the strange man and got caught up in his beautiful face. He was one of the most beautiful beings I had seen so far. "Is he dead?" I mumbled, moving closer to get a better view of him and to feel his heartbeat. He widened his eyes unexpectedly and held me tightly, freezing my heart in shock. I took a deep breath to calm myself, unable to move an inch. "You'll be fine," I said to him, patting him on the back. Not until he sank his fangs into my skin.

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