Maybe he threatens people, he has done it plenty of times to me so maybe that's what he does to keep everyone in line. Although it seems much more than just threats. I wonder what Harry does that keeps people so afraid and intimidated by him? Maybe that's just the way it is over here in Europe, maybe Savage just has a better grip on the people that live here then Ferocious does.

I sighed and placed the picture back down on the dusty cabinet. There was nothing else to look at in this big boring office and there was absolutely no way I was going to sit back down for an hour and do nothing, so instead I just decided to see what Harry was doing and possibly annoy him a bit for fun. Before I could eve move a single inch from my spot, the door busted open and none other than the obnoxious Irish man had been the cause of it.

"They agreed!" he screamed through the office not bothering to check who else was in here. He walked in another step looking right at Harry before yelling again, "They fücking said yes! They're coming Harry!" he yelled throwing his hands in the air.

Harry looked at him with wide eyes as he basically watched Niall dance in excitement, "Niall" he growled quietly clenching his jaw tightly.

"Why aren't you fücking happy?" he yelled staring Harry down like a hawk. "For months we have been waiting for them to agree to this plan and all you can do is scowl! What the fück Harry?" Niall yelled clearly upset at Harry's reaction.

"Who agreed?" I asked quietly making Harry hold his breath.

"Seth and Elli-" Niall began but immediately stop once he realized it was me he was talking to. His eyes widened as his jaw practically dropped to the floor.

"What?" I asked, my brain not even forming coherent thoughts. Niall looked back at Harry with an open jaw and began stuttering out apologies.

"H, I'm sorry. I thought I heard someone say you were watching Soph for Liam today" Niall said, looking at where Harry sat frozen in his chair.

"Niall please get out" Harry said sighing and shaking his head.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to tell her" he said, his eyebrows furrowed in irritation.

After that, I blocked out everything they said. My brain had completely stopped functioning as the thought of my brothers ran through my head. What could they possibly agreed to with Savage and whatever it was why did it make everyone seem so happy? Maybe it had something to do with me, although it doesn't seem that people would be so excited to have a deal go through with my brothers about me.

Did my brothers give in to them? Highly unlikely but it's possible. Maybe they thought that was the only way for me to be brought back. By making a deal with Savage that consists of god knows what, it will bring me back home and away from Harry. Although Sophia had told me the only way out of here was death, was she talking about getting away from Europe or away from Harry?

Maybe this was the last straw for me. Although I do intend to find out what it is that my brothers agree to, I have a feeling that this will be the end for me. If I know Harry, he is venomous and will stop at nothing to get what he wants when he wants it. Whatever deal that he had pushed through to my brothers without a doubt in my head cannot be good what so ever.

Pushing all thoughts to the back of my head, I heard the door close for the second time leaving me and Harry alone once again in the office. His ragged breathing was the only sound in the room as his hands were pressed against his desk with his head dropped forward. The veins in his forearms had been bulging out as his body was obviously tense with anger. I began walking towards him slowly afraid of over stepping my boundaries.

"Don't" his raspy voice projected through the room, halting my steps immediately.

"What was that?" I asked quietly trying to keep myself as calm as possibly could.

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