p3- some, interesting views and getting to know you.

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It was Logan, braylen, and Kevin at one section of the locker room and they where given their clothes to change into. They changed in the same area and everyone seemed comfortable doing it but...
Braylen was scared.
He was already insecure enough, but seeing OTHER MEN CHANGE RIGHT INFRONT OF HIM? He was shaking but everyone else around him didn't seem to have a care in the world. Then he just played along and they all where changing.

Logans POV:

I was changing and I was talking to Kevin while we both where, I'm like 99% sure I'm straight but there's always that urge to stare at the other men while they change. None of them really caught my eye but ..
I don't know why but i just couldn't stop staring. Kevin noticed I was focused on something else and said
"Hey, you good?"
Then he realized what I was focused on.
"Oh shit dude why you checking out  braylen?" When Kevin said that I immediately defended myself, I didn't need Kevin to known I was checking brsylen out, he's already caught me checking him out a couple times and i don't want him to think im doijg it on purpose, even though i am. I just don't want to talk to Kevin about it, he's my bestie booboobear 4 lifer friend,
My ride or die.
Maybe I shouldn't say ride him,you already can tell why 🥴🥴🥴😳🥵🥵😍😍
"Dude what're you talking about." I clapped back.

"Thankfully brsylens now here so you don't watch ME change closely. You got an eye for watching men change Logan, I'm not gonna judge you but calm it down a bit, it's easy to tell."

"Wouldn't want it to end like last time huh?"

Immediately when Kevin said that my heart sank.
Why would he bring that up?
He knows I don't like to.
Maybe he's just looking out for me?
But why THAT.
and HERE?

Out of nowhere I found myself pinning Kevin against the locker and yelling at him, Kevin just took it. He was surprised. He's never seen me act this way or get mad at him like this.
Coach mcnutsack came running in and separating us. Kevin looked, so shocked. So did braylen. I knew i messed up.

Next thing I knew is that we're near the end of the period sitting on the bleachers and none of us have talked since the incident.
I fucked up big time.
Me and Kevin got next period together it's gonna be terrible.

3rd person POV is back again 🥵🥵🥵
Braylen , Kevin and logan had to sit pretty close together on the bleachers, they all where scared to talk to eachother.
They just had no idea on what to say.
Braylen was so confused on why Logan acted out like that.
Kevin was also confused. He didn't know he hit a soft spot for him.
Braylrn made a plan to try talking to Kevin to see what happened. He's surprised that Kevin just let it happen and not beat the shit outta Logan. He laughed at the thought of Logan getting his ass kicked by Kevin.but it also made him sad.

The bell rung, so they all left. He saw Kevin walking by himself so he ran up to him
"Yo hey Kevin you good?" Braylrn asked in a concerned voice.

"Uh no haha."
Kevin bluntly said.

"Im sorry about what happened to you and logan, you two seemed pretty close so I hope that works out between you two"

"Thanks I needed that. Well, I gotta go now, see ya around braylen."
Kevin and braylen parted ways.

Brsylen realized Logan and Kevin have the same 2nd period.
He hoped thst since they had classes in common that they could atleasy make things up during those classes.
Braylen realized rhey had.....

Mr tittywill.

He felt bad for Kevin and logsn and whoever was there.
He saw a girl walking over there and go into his class.
He felt so bad.
he thought to himself. Anywho, he went to his 2nd period, history.

During 2nd period braylen did basically nothing but other hand in Logan and Kevin's 2nd period,

It was kinda crazy.

Mr pervert yelled 💀
Both of their sections where kinda weak since Kevin and logsn where in bad moods and it effected their playing sadly.
Sucks to b them ig 💀💀😱

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