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I couldn't sleep that night. I was too entranced by my situation and uncomfortable from the aftermath of him cumming inside me. We were still upside down so my head began to hurt while Rhulk was asleep; holding me in his arms.

"Rhulk?" I call out quietly at the large being.

"Yes, dear?" He says tiredly as he wakes up.

I let out a sigh and rub his chest, "It's getting uncomfortable, we humans can't rest like this, it can cause harm to us," I explain as I writhe in his grasp.

"I see, hang onto me," he replies as he expels the dark veil and flips back upwards

He then encases us both in the black veil once more where he crosses his legs and gets into a sitting position with me now in his lap.

"Better?" He asks; stroking my shoulder with his slender fingers.

"Much Better, thank you," I whisper to him. "That's all I needed, sorry for bothering you,".

" It's fine, if my mate is uncomfortable then I shall tend to her," he responds with his head leaning back to a meditating position. "The same goes for nourishment and hygiene, I reckon you won't live long without it,".

" I'm used to not worrying about health, my Ghost tended to me..." I trail as I think about the light being snuffed out of me and my ghost.

Rhulk tilts his head and brushes my red curls, "There will be no need for that machine anymore, with the Witness, you and I are in salvation, greater power comes forth to you, you will be spared from the others,".

" Well those others are my friends and innocent people who fear every day the coming of the black fleet, we made amends with both Eliksni and Cabal to have a chance at fighting back,".

" They were doomed anyway my dear, the darkness already has its grip on most of your guardians and soon, everyone will end up like my own, split apart fighting for different sides until extinction,".

"And who's fault would that be? The Darkness, it is the reason we become divided and why we get pulled into extinction,".

" Your machine God is a coward and you'll be helpless either way when it abandons you, maybe for a certain queen in this world... a hive,".

"You don't know what you are talking about!" I shout. "The Traveler has stood with us and we have defended it with our very life!".

" And you are ignorant to the truth, you think morally high of your species and your God yet that being doesn't care if it leaves, it is using you as pawns to keep it on the run. You're simply disposable to it...".

"You speak of terrible lies! The light won't do that, it can't!" my face reddens and I begin pounding at his chest in anger, something he doesn't tolerate with him now restraining me with his large hands.

"My dear, you are blind,".

" You don't even know me!".

"You don't know yourself anymore!" His voice gets louder. I stop and shiver as I expected his wrath from his anger. I don't bare the light so I was idiotic for ticking him off but then again, he wouldn't hurt me right? He needed me for his sick procreation scheme so what misery would he do to me?

A Lubraeon's Mate: Rhulk x OcDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora