Chapter 1: It all begins

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Clug, clug. My suitcase hits the stairs as I walk down them into a foster persons truck.

                      2 Weeks Earlier
"Mommy, please  don't go. I can't live without you." " Darling, you must. Take care of Clyde for me." I cried a river that night. The night my mom died. The night it all began, my fate I mean.
That's right, I'm one of those kids whose parents or parent in my case died. The foster people or what ever you call them came to get me after my moms funeral.

So here I am riding in a foster car with my cat Clyde driving to my dead-beat dad's house because apparently he didn't have enough time to pick me up. That's how it starts. First he doesn't pick you up then, he's never home next, your sleeping on the cold hard floor!

Looking out of the window I see everything. The trees, the birds, everything. I don't like it. I'm not really a country type boy.  In fact I am a humongous city boy. If you don't know me, my names Thomas, Tom for short. My mom died now I'm living with my dad. Yay.

The ride couldn't be long enough. My cat in my lap starts to hiss as we pull into the driveway if my dad. Ugh, dad. That word sits on my tongue like a 2 day old stale cotton candy. "Oh come on Tom. He's not that bad. I mean if he was bad then he wouldn't have been the first person to offer to take you." Dave says with a cheerful voice. " Yeah but you don't know him like I do."  I repeat with less enthusiasm. "You don't know him. In fact you said you've never met him." "Uh yeah well.", I stammer.  "Well nothing. You can't judge someone based upon what people tell you." I knew he was right, I just didn't want to admit it.

And then there, there he was. My dad

Ive never written a book before so I just wanted to see how it works. If you like it please vote and comment and obviously, like it.

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