the villain gang goes to the beach.

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Magolor, driving: so.. why are we going to the beach again?? i hate swimming...

Taranza: me too.

Susie: me three- wait. only marx likes swimming?

Marx: well, we're already almost there so we cant stop now. 

Susie: did anyone bring sunscreen??

Taranza: wait.. no. 

Magolor: we dont need it, you dolts.

the car goes silent


Magolor: fine. *magolor turns on some music, as requested*

Marx, scowling: WHAT IS THIS SHIT?!

Susie: quiet the fuck down you dipshit. 

Marx: you wanna take this outside??

Magolor: Please, id be happy to throw you out.

Taranza: uh guys.. we're here. 


Magolor: bitch, hand over the beach ball.

Marx: why?

Magolor: we're not swimming. now hand it over.

Marx: FINE! jeez, you sound like daroach.

they all get out of the car and magolor inflates the beach ball

suddenly, Marx jumps up and pulls down magolors hood


Marx snickers: Payback.

Magolor glares at him as he pulls his hood back on

Magolor: im never hugging you again, you deranged grape.

Marx frowns: well, have fun keeping that oath! im gonna go and swim now.

Taranza: where do i put our umbrella?

Susie: i see a nice shady spot.

Magolor: dang. this bag is heavy. hurry up.

Susie: well, go put it down with Taranza.

Magolor: bossy

Susie: shut up.

it was a beautiful day at the beach. when Marx FINALLY got out of the water, he kicked sandcastles without mercy. As he made his way back, only susie and magolor were at  theyre spot.

Marx: hey guys, wheres taranza?

Magolor: he went into the forest-y place. with all the flowers. susie has decided to rest after she found... hehe.. 69... skipping stones. 

Marx: pfft, really? 69? 

and then they both burst into laughter. it wasnt even funny, for real.

Magolor: i take it back. ill hug you again.

Marx: Pussy. cant even keep a simple promise-

Magolor: oh, okay. i guess i wont, then. also. 

Magolor lifted up Marxs hat. he looked funny without it- but still cute.

Marx: HEY!

Magolor chuckled: payback~!

Marx: just give it back, or ill eat you!

Magolor: so scared. 

Marx: you know i cant grab it back.

Magolor: hey dude? are you an angel, cause if so, where the fuck are your wings?

Marx: Fuck you!

magolor put the hat gently back on his head

Susie got up just then, giggling.

Magolor: uh, hey.. susie..

Marx: hi.

Susie: you guys are so weird. i heard you flirting.

Magolor, flustered: pfft, flirting??? nah, fuck him..

Marx: yeah! Fuck me!! (mildly sus)

Susie: whatever. wheres taranza? 

Magolor pointed to the forest-y area

They all walked on a path in the area

Taranza was staring at flowers, crying

Susie floated over and patted taranza on the shoulder

Susie, softly: hey. Taranza, we gotta go! cant wait to go home and eat some waffles! right, Taranza? 

Taranza nods and pushes himself up

Taranza: yep. lets go *sniff* eat some waffles.

they all get in the car

Magolor: ah shit. we forgot the beachball in the car.

Susie: welp, so thats what we were missing.

and then they drove home (aka dededes castle)

sorry for the cringe oc at the top lol

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