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More auditionees include Roger and his cringe-worthy dancing, and a little girl who offers Adrien a black cat, which meows.

Eventually, Clara sees that there are no more Lady Luck auditionees, but then glances at the extras, and gets an idea. She picks up a tray of chouquettes from a table by the stage and carries it over to the extras.

"You must be starving, from all this waiting!"

"Oh, look! She's coming in our direction!" Marinette said excitedly.

While carrying the tray, Clara deliberately trips herself up, tossing the tray in the air, and falling to the floor.

Many of the extras gasp.

"Omg, Clara!" Kalianna gets out of the line and runs over to help Clara back to her feet. "Are you okay?!"

Clara instead of answering, hugs the amber-eyed girl instead. "There you are! No need to be a worried little duck, because you are Lady Luck!"

Kalianna's friends and Giselle gasp.

The said girl is anxious about the implication. "What?! I have no idea what you're talking about!" She chuckled nervously.

Clara stands herself and Kalianna up and twirls her around. "You did what Lady Luck would have, just the same. Your heart is pure, like hers. What's your name?"

"Uh, Ka-Kalianna." Kalianna introduced herself.

"Kalianna! Say it's so!" Clara twirls and gets down on one knee, her arm raised. "Will you please play Lady Luck in my video?"

Kalianna puts her hands over her mouth in shock.

"Yes! She'd be awesome!" Giselle hollered.

The rest girls appeared conflicted and looked at Marinette, who is glaring at Kalianna.

Kalianna turns to look over at Adrien onstage and envisions being there with him. She sighs euphorically.

She then looked down at Tikki in her purse. "That's so nice of you, and... I'm one of your hugest fans, but... I came here to be an extra with my friends, and I really wanna stay with them." She said to Clara.

Kalianna's friends gasp in shock while Marinette smiles.

Clara stands up again. "That's a pity, a shame," She puts her hand on Kalianna's shoulders. "But I understand it's true. That's a very cool gesture, very Lady Luck of you!" She twirled once more and took Kalianna over and sits her in a chair by a trailer. "Just sit over here for make-up, okay? I'll ask your friends to be sent over right away!" She turns and goes to walk away.

"Um, just my best friend Giselle please. She's the girl with the rainbow streaks." Kalianna says.

Clara looks over at the girls and spotted Giselle. "Ah, I see her indeed, I'll bring over your best friend in need!" She then skips over to Giselle.

"Thank you!" Kalianna smiles.

Tikki stuck out of the ravenette's purse. "Good job, Kalianna! You didn't give in to the temptation!" She pops back inside when Giselle ran up to Kalianna and hugged her.

"Your so crazy! You turned down filming with Adrien to be with me and the rest?" Giselle probed.

"M-hm." Kalianna nods.

"That's awesome but why'd you have Clara call me over and not the others?" Giselle questioned.

"I know I may sound a little mean for this but they're Marinette's friends. They're in a group with her, not me and you. We just hang around them." Kalianna shrugs.

🌻ᴍɪʀᴀᴄᴜʟᴏᴜꜱ ━━ ʙᴏᴏᴋ ɪɪ (ɴᴇᴡ ᴠᴇʀꜱɪᴏɴ)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora