the beginning

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chucking their shoes into the hallway and stepping into their bed room, kay examined the posters on their wall. a Hamilton poster they got when they went to see the musical with their best friend, a goonies poster that was a gift from their dad long before he started drinking, next to that was an E.T poster that they brought with their first pay check, the same as it always was. they glanced over to the only window in their room, pulling down the blinds as to not be seen by any kids from their school that passed by. lying down on their twin bed and staring up at the ceiling, kay tried to put their mind at ease by doing the usual ;thinking about the future and creating fake scenarios in their head.

they could hear them fighting again, as they usually were. nearly every day since kay was little, all they could remember coming home to was loud fighting at screaming. at first they tried to intervene but learned the hard way it was best to stay out of situations like that.

kay glanced at their near empty bookcase to the left of their bedroom. the room itself wasn't very big, yet it still was comfortable and sustainable. the bookcase had near to no books on the shelf - so the name itself was silly in its own right. instead the shelves were filled with stuff toys, huge lego sets and silly collectibles. the thing about kay was that no matter the movie or series, kay love to collect collectibles. they weren't the richest of family's yet it gave kay so much joy to spend money on things they ultimately didn't really care about. i know that, that sounds somewhat selfish or bratty - and in some respect it kind of is, but it almost frustrated kay not to have a complete set of something. if they got one they had to get them all.

thinking of the things on their shelf bought kay a somewhat peace of mind as the shouting across the hall continued.

it'd been a while since their parents had fought last. even though kay knew the peace wouldn't last long they still tried to enjoy the silence. however today marked the day that the ,at least, a week of happy family time was broken. a single tear drop fell onto their dark skin. instead of wiping it, they just let it fall. why couldn't their family be like all the others - why did their parents have to fight all the time. kay's mind raced with questions and answers but all this did was make them more anxious. finally they plucked up the strength to pick up their pillow and pull it over their head, then clasp both their hands over their ears.

eventually after having their eyes closed long enough and trying their best to drown out any noises - kay manages to drift asleep. admittedly their school uniform isn't the comfiest of clothes to sleep in, and having your body hanging off your bed with a pillow gripped tightly over your head isn't the most ideal situation to be in; but either way kay managed.

soon enough they fell into a somewhat peaceful slumber.

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