Kadin shrugged a shoulder. "I'm just anxious about the interview."

"I told you I can pull some strings if they don't take you. They'd be stupid not to. So, what is it really?" When Kadin stayed silent, he put on a sly smile. "Is it elevator girl? You never told me her name."

He groaned and upped the speed on the treadmill to a jog. "Her name is Rukiya, and no, that's not it." The lie slipped easily from his lips. Whatever was on his mind was none of Tobias' business.

"Rukiya Warrick?"

Kadin blinked. "You know her?"

Tobias nodded. "I mean, everyone around here does. You know that burger chain, Hawkins?"

"Yeah." He'd never eaten there, but heard nothing but good things about it. Everyone said it was better than Five Guys or In and Out could ever be. And in less than a year, they'd have locations all over the east coast.

"Well, elevator girl, Rukiya, spearheaded the marketing campaign that launched them into national stardom. It landed her in Forbes' 30 Under 30. The studio I used to work for had the opportunity to snatch her up before her stardom, but they declined her application. Bet they feel stupid as fuck now."

Kadin's heart fluttered. He'd been stuck in an elevator with a celebrity and didn't know it. No wonder she hadn't texted him. She was too busy doing celebrity shit to worry about a jobless loser like him. "I uh... I actually got her number."

"For real? Have you two been... talking?" Tobias waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"We got stuck in an elevator for a couple of hours. It's not that serious." Well... they also shared a meal, and he kept her warm while she slept, but that didn't mean anything. "And she has a boyfriend."

Tobias put his hands up. "Alright, fair enough. But you should still call her. See how she's doing. Like a gentleman would." He put up the jump rope and wandered over to the peloton.

Kadin glanced at his phone. Maybe he should call her, see how she was doing. She had a promise to keep, after all. And she still had his beanie. He'd noticed it was gone the Monday after the storm when he needed something to protect his hair from the wind. That would be the perfect excuse to call her.

But not today, and maybe not tomorrow. On the weekend, when she'd wouldn't be busy.

The blare of his phone ringing cut through his thoughts, and he almost tripped getting off the treadmill to grab it. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Mr Reyes? This is Liz Colby from Blue Octo Studios."

Kadin's heart fell to his ass. "Yes, this is he." He sat on the bench before he fell over. Please, please, please, he begged the universe.

"I'm calling concerning the interview you had with us last week. The Team reviewed your application and we think your art style aligns perfectly with our vision for future games. In short, we'd love to have you on board."

Words failed him. His brain shut down. He became the personification of dial-up noises.

"Mr Reyes?"

He gave himself an internal kick. "Uh. Thank you so much. I'm so glad you loved my work."

"Would you be able to come in tomorrow to sign the contract? I can also give you a tour of the office and get you acquainted with our systems. Say... around one?"

"Tomorrow at one is perfect, and thank you again for the opportunity."

"No problem. We look forward to having you on the team."

Kadin hung up and leaned back against the wall. His heart raced. His hands shook. He wanted to jump up and scream, run ten laps around the gym. He felt as though he could float from the ground and fly to the moon.

Every night since his interview, he sat awake for hours, imagining the city being unkind to him. He pictured himself packing up his truck and heading back to Illinois, going back to the corporate grind. And every time he imagined it, he could almost feel his soul leaving his body.

"Kadin, my dude," Tobias said, cutting into his thoughts. "You alright? Need some water?"

Kadin shook his head. "No, I..." He roughed up his hair. "I got the job."

"Yes! Fuck yes!" Tobias screamed, drawing the attention of the staff. "We're going to Rolly's tonight to celebrate."

"Okay, but we can't get too crazy. I have to go in tomorrow to sign the contract."

He put his hands. "I got you. I'm not in my twenties anymore, either. We'll take it easy." He tossed his towel around his neck. "I'm super stoked for you, man. I knew they'd love your stuff."

"Thanks for hooking me up. I appreciate you." Kadin stood and stretched, before grabbing a dumbbell from the rack, while Tobias took the treadmill. Now that his head was clearer, he could think about his next move. He needed to properly furnish his room, get a bigger desk, a better bedroom set, figure out what he'd be doing with his house back home.

And, most importantly, he had a promise to keep.

Shafted [ONC 2022]Where stories live. Discover now