I saw my mother leaning on the counter with her elbows on top of it while she typed on her phone while smiling.

I ignored her and went around her towards the fridge, not before looking over her shoulder to see who she was texting. Seeing some guy's name didn't surprise me.

I smirked as I thought of ways to use that against her. I took the milk from the fridge and slammed it shut. That seemed to startle her because she jumped a little and quickly turned off her phone.

She smiled sweetly at me when she noticed I was in the same room as her.

"Good morning Vic. How did you sleep?" She asked sweetly. I glared at her before answering.

"Don't call me Vic. Only people close to me call me that, not people who abandoned me." Her smile fell but she composed it.

"Oh, ok, no problem. So, I was thinking if you're free today we could go shopping or watch a movie of your liking if you would like."

I ignored her as I put the milk in the cup and added coffee mix along with some sugar and boiled water. I waited until it became the caramel color.

I put some ice in the cup. I took a sip before turning around to look at her.

"No." And with that I walked away, leaving her opening and closing her mouth like a fucking fish. Idiot.

I have some plans for tonight. One of them includes the folder from last night. Happy with the thought of tonight I got out of the house, in my car and drove to the Russians.

I parked the car in front of the main house where Xander told me to meet him and got inside.

I closed the door behind me and made my way towards Ros's office.

I barged into his office again. Another door on the list I broke. I looked up at Ros and he was leaning in his chair while taking deep breaths. When he looked up at me I thought it may be my last day.

"Я запрещаю тебе снова приходить в этот дом!" He yelled at me.

Translation ~ |I forbid you to come to this house again!|

I just stood there and looked at him in amusement. We all know he couldn't forbid me anything, he loves me too much for that.

"Yeah yeah. Where's your son? We have some plans." I dismissed him with the wave of my hand.

He let out a breath and answered. "Он будет здесь минут через пять, ты, отродье Дьявола."

Translation ~ |He'll be here in five minutes, you Devil's spawn.|

I put my hand on my chest in mocking hurt and wiped a fake tear from my eye.

"Words hurt you know?"

"Oh, yeah? So does the dent in my bank account when I have to pay for everything you break every two weeks."

I was about to start a fight but Xander decided to come here at that moment. He smiled at me when he entered. I returned the smile.

"О, посмотрите на это, Дьявол может улыбаться. я этого не знал." I turned around and glared at him. I heard Xander trying to hold his laughter behind me. Idiots, complete idiots I tell you.

Translation ~ |Oh look at this, the devil can smile. I did not know that.|

I ignored them both and went away from them. I heard Xander calling my name but I didn't turn around.

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