"Uhh no?" She needs to know how to do it on her own.

"How am I supposed to take a shower?"

"Give her to me, you have 15 minutes." I took the baby out of her hand and she smiled at me.

"15 minutes? I can't do anything in 15 minutes."

"You better so you can come take care of your child. I'm not a baby mama."

I'm being extra harsh so she can know what it's like to be a parent. She can't leave a baby unattended for a whole hour while she takes a shower.


"14 minutes and counting."

She sprinted upstairs. Now it was me, the baby, and Amir.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I was already up, I might as well.

"Eggs and bacon."

"That's it?"

"Yeah. You never told me if I could go to the mall."

"I want to meet her first." I got the eggs and bacon out to start making breakfast.

"Why can't I just go? Me and her aren't even dating or anything for her to be meeting my mom."

"Yeah because you date boys."

"I was with one boy, I don't date boys."

"Do you still talk to Bryson?" I'm just being nosy.

"He tries to. I don't want to be with him at all, I was thinking of breaking up with him before anyway."

"Why?" I put the baby on my hip so I could crack the eggs. I really do this mother shit.

"He was annoying. Everything was fine until you caught us that one time."

He was annoying?

"Didn't you post naked pictures of him?"


"What did you post of him then? Don't lie." I turned around to the stove.

"I didn't post anything of him. Some girl took it from my phone a while ago and waited to posted it."

Some girl? He really gets around, damn.

"What was posted?"

"I don't wanna tell you."

"Just tell me."

"It was a video of him doing stuff with his mouth."

"Who raised you? Why would you even have a video of that? Just dumb."

"It's not my fault, nobody else was supposed to see it. I didn't even have my phone at the time, the blame shouldn't be on me at all."

I checked on the baby and she was sleeping with her thumb in her mouth.

"You shouldn't have even had anything like that on your phone, you're a kid and you need to act like it."

"You had me at my age, I'm not that bad."

"No, you just like boys. If you liked girls I promise you I would've been raising a grandkid right now."

"I don't like boys, I've done stuff with girls too."

"Aren't you like 12? I barely even let you go out, where are you finding the time to do all this?"

Even before he got in trouble, he really only went to school and practice. I would let him to go a party or Brysons house if I was in a good mood but that was about it.

Coach KnowlesWhere stories live. Discover now