Ch. 18

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"Tell me the truth Em and so help me God if you lie to me Jesus himself can't save you from me."


"Are you in danger?"

"Ava lis-" it's currently 5 o'clock in the morning and Ava is questioning me. I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later.

"Answer the fucking question!" Wincing I moved the phone away from my ear. It's too fucking early in the morning to have this conversation. All I wanted was to see how she was doing while everyone is asleep, but somehow her best friend radar went off and now she's yelling at me.

"Yes and no" massaging my temple I move the phone away from my ear again. "The fuck does that mean! I have been patient with you Em because this is how you are usually, but this time you have been kidnapped!" As predicted she yells again. Ima go deaf at this rate. Sighing I lay back on my bed headboard. "Yes because I'm on some mafia red list thing so every mafia leader in the world is looking for me and no because I'm safe where I'm at for now."

"You're on the red note?"

"Yea. You know what that is?" Pausing for a moment I wait for her to speak again. "Emery this is no joke we have to get you off of this. It doesn't help that the reward for you is 150 million dollars."

"Don't you think I know that! I tried so many times to remove it but it just keeps reappearing" groaning I close my eyes and do a silent prayer.

"That's weird. Also, if the old bastard is dead who is funding the 150 mill? Who knows about you?"

"Mafia gang wise, no one because they're all dead. The lab.... one person maybe." Thinking back on all the people that I was around before I escaped I can only remember that sadistic woman.

"Why maybe?"

"Because I don't know if the others are still alive or not" When I escaped the facility I burned it down and ran without looking back. Who's to say somehow some way a person who knows about me made it out alive.

"I'll look into it. So are you going to finally tell me where you're at? Who took you?"

"Enzo Moretti"

"Holy shit Em how are you still alive?!"


"How are you talking to me right now?" She cuts me off as she tries to process what I told her.


"How do you have a phone?"

"Ava!" I whisper yell. "We have...history" I try to explain.

"History? That's it? That's all you're going to tell me!" I swear I'm going to need a hearing aid if she keeps yelling in my ear.

"What else do you want me to say? We just have history and he decided not to kill me" Saying no repeatedly she press me for more info.

"No bitch. WE got history and you never mentioned him once. Y'all got something going on. There's no way Enzo would just let you live, let alone give you a phone. He trust you and from what I heard he doesn't trust anyone but his family, barely. So spill." Groaning I tell her everything starting when Izabella ran into me, from being chased by the Russians, to Zo helping me with my PTSD.

"I'm not going to say how I feel about this just yet. I have to feel him out first."

"That's fair"

"I gotta go though a new hit just came up. Love you." Smiling I tell her I love her back and hang up. Now time to do some work. Ever since Enzo told me about the hit on me I've been digging around hacking into every known mafia/gang I can find. Even the ones who's just start and on the rise. Still I found nothing. Just a lot of people asking about me and trying to get as much information about me as much as possible.

I even started tracking Enzo, his brothers, and Rock conversations about the situation. It wasn't easy because of Luca but I managed to get around him. Whenever they send a text message about red note a file of screen shots of the message is sent to my phone. When I find out Zo is having a meeting with someone I hack his computer or his phone and listen as much as I can.

All of this and still nothing. It doesn't make any sense.



"You still haven't found anything about her?" Looking at the papers I place them on my desk and look at Luca waiting for his answer. "Un pochino. È come se dopo il liceo fosse diventata un fantasma per alcuni anni" (A little bit. It's like after high school she became a ghost for a few years.)

"I found some papers on her in dad's safe. He first had her when y'all was in high school, but she was able to escape from him. This went on for a couple of years. She would escape, he would find her and so on. The last time he had her before she escaped again was four years ago." Gio stated.

"But why was he so adamant on keeping her? Why didn't he just kill her?" Romeo ask. Something wasn't adding up. "Sta nascondendo qualcosa. I've known this since I brought her here." (She's hiding something)

"Che cosa hai intenzione di fare fratello?" (what are you going to do brother?)

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