Going through Ralph walet I find a black card with nothing on it but a design of a dagger stabbing into a rose. Finally the three men walk downstairs. Rock stood behind the couch right behind me while the couple stood in front of me. "What took y'all so long. Did you really go back and finish?" I laugh as I look at the couple stare at the ground. Ralph must have told him what to do before they came down.

"Mohammed you picked the wrong day to come over. I must say y'all are into some kinky shit from the videos and pics I found" I said as I lean back with my arms spread out on the back of the couch.

"Zo I-" Ralph starts to speak but I stop him. "I'm not talking to you" he immediately shut his mouth.

"Do your family know about what you do for a living. What you do on the side?" I ask but he stays quiet "I'm not judging or anything. I mean look at me I have no room to judge a doctor/small time gang member. I just want to know do your family know who you are, the real you because if I kill you right now all they gonna remember is a lie"

"Enz-" Ralph tries to speak again. Lifting up my leg I kick the coffee table that sat between us hard in Ralph direction causing it to hit Ralph in the shin painfully. Making him bend over holding his leg "one more time and it's not going to be a table hitting you"

"Now Mohammed the reason why I'm saying this cause I'm going to let you go, but don't think I won't be watching you. Make sure when you leave tell your family you love them. Who knows one day I might change my mind and decide to put a bullet through your head."

"Zo please-" Pulling my gun back out I shot Ralph left leg. Screaming in pain he falls to the ground with Mohammed right by his side trying to hold him.

"What's wrong with you, you sick fuck!" My whole demeanor change as I shoot Mohammed in his shoulder. "What was that? I can't hear you. I thought I asked for your input" I lean towards them with my hand behind my ear as if I'm trying to hear Mohammed but all I heard was Ralph whisper "Don't" to him.

"Rock take Mohammed to his car I want to talk to Ralph alone" Nodding his head Rock help Mohammed stand up and walk to the door. "Oh and Mohammed" I call out making them stop "Don't make me have to go to 492 fairway drive" I tell him letting him know that I know where his family live. With that they leave.

"Ralph tell me what I want to know"

"Fu-fuck you Enzo" he growls out


"You heard me. Fuck. You. You need me and yet you do this. I'm not telling you shit." Chuckling I pull out my phone and text Rock. "If that's how you want to play" getting up I grab two chairs from the kitchen table and place them across from each other in the living room. Going back to the kitchen I grab the biggest pot I could find and oil. Putting the pot on the stove on high I pour the oil in it till my desired amount.

Walking back to the living room I grab Ralph and pick him up, putting him in the chair facing towards the door. Right as I sit him in the chair Rock comes back with Mohammed and a duffle bag. Forcing Mohammed in the empty seat Rock handcuffs him to the chair. Throwing another pair to me I do the same to Ralph. Next we tie both of them up with rope around them.

"W-what a-a-are you doing?" Mohammed ask fear in his eyes.

"Vai a prendere il piatto" (go get the pot) I tell Rock.

"What are you saying speak English!?" Mohammed scream as he start to panic. Punching him in his jaw I glare at him. "You're in my country. Don't tell me how to speak. If I wanted you to know something I'll speak in a language that you know. Until then shut the fuck up. Your boyfriend has already fucked it up enough for the both of you."

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