CHAPTER 1-Execution of the former emperor

Start from the beginning

"WHO DO YOU-" The soldier got shocked when he saw his captain and went to their straight position and bowed 

"WERE SO SORRY GREEN KNIGHT," the soldier said and still lowering their head he could feel his captain is not happy with what he did to the former emperor

"I'll handle the former emperor, go" The green knight glanced coldly making the  soldier shiver, and  went away quickly

"captain huh" Anastacius grinned under the black bag the captain looked at him and smiled bitterly 

"your highness are you alright, I'm sorry they did that to you let me help you," the green knight said helping the former emperor to walk properly

"help me?" Anastacius scoffs under his black bag holding the captain's shoulders "What do you think your talking to" anastacius asks griping the captain's shoulder once more

"Please, do not look at me badly," the captain said while they walk to the halls "......and?" Anastacius whispered "You have a pitiful life, your highness," the knight said "I don't like being pitied" Anastacius replied pinching the knight's shoulders "Then why do you make yourself pitied?" asked the knight "I don't" anastacius replied not liking the captain already 

"what's your name?" Anastacius asked under the bag

"Ow um..... I cannot say it your majesty" The knight smiles at Anastacius

"Hmm alright won't force you for that," Anastacius said and groaned in pain "Are you alright?" he asked worriedly Anastacius didn't reply making the atmosphere awkward "Are you not scared?" the knight asked trying to carry Anastacius

"of what?" Anastacius questioned and slapped the knight's hands out of his waist "Execution" the knight said tearfully rubbing his hands "No" Anastacius replied and gripped the knight's clothes "I'm out of balance idiot" anastacius said asking for a hand "I'm sorry" the knight holds Anastacius carefully and walked straight again

the knight didn't speak and just helped the blonde former emperor to walk "um" the captain said, again and again, making anastacius annoyed "what say it already I'm going to be dead soon so hurry up" anastacius said irritatedly "why are you not scared?" asked the captain again anastacius tilted his head "because why would i" anastacius rolled his eyes under the black bag "could you explain please?" the captain pleads "NO" anastacius said loudly

suddenly the knight stopped walking making Anastacius out of balance "say it when you're going to stop!" Anastacius shout kicking the knight's ass but the knight didn't move nor flinch "We're here" the knight coldly said making Anastacius look at him under his mask 'tsk is he worried'

"well then give me to the guard" Anastacius ordered but he got no reply "Hey!" anastacius smack the captain making him flinch "O-um yes" the knight walked towards the guards with Anastacius the two guards pulled Anastacius harshly when they walk into the execution room the knight said something "I wish we could see each other again your highness" Anastacius smiled "this is the last time" Anastacius replied waving at him

"then in another life, Anastacius" the green knight whispered seeing the emperor disappearing 'I wish we could meet again like in the past'

"were here," the knight said placing the former emperor in his position

"good night your emperor haha," the other one said walking away "Cut the rope when a count to ten okay," the knight said while the others nodded and went to their position

"haha" they laugh no they didn't laugh but Anastacius know they are smiling at him right now he felt shitty while thinking of it

'hahaha' Anastacius chuckled 'Could you all shut it...why can't you all wait to my death bastards'


Anastacius was placed in the guillotine and even though they didn't say it was Anastacius just know it because its discussed with him by his past teachers and he likes using it by people he doesn't like


'what a boring life wish for more exciting things' Anastacius thought not caring what will happen to him and just yawned


'Why is he so slow counting the number?' Anastacius could see a  light forming the black bag in his head 'What a wonderful color'


'FUCKING BORING LIFE' Anastacius felt shaky 'Will Jennette be okay......wait don't worry Roger is there to be with her I know he loves my daughter as his' he yawned broadly 'fucking feel like slow motion


'fuck! 4 already!!!' "3!" 'Okay I'm ready breath in breath out' he thought inhaling and exhaling 'let me taste the air first hehe' he thought


then a sharp blade fell on his neck slicing his head off he felt nothing just like a bite of an ant it feels like a beautiful death when you don't need to feel anything Anastacius the former emperor's head rolled down the grass the charming blood sparkled around the execution room blood everywhere and anywhere his blood could be smelled in the whole palace making the people panic even Athanasia the smell of Anastacius blood is like sweet chocolate and a bitter coffee

Emperor Claude looked out the window like he can't smell the blood of his beloved brother

the moon is watching the moon seeing it all this painful and brutal scene of killing the former emperor is a disgust watching and seeing the light of the beautiful moon turned into blood that day makes the people in the palace regret killing the former emperor Anastacius de Alger Obelia

the thing most of the people got scared of is that the former emperor's head is never been seen since the execution even the emperor Claude de Agler Obelia don't know what happened to his brother's head

since that day the people dedicated their hearts to the former emperor to protect them in his afterlife

{REWRITTEN} DATE- 04/05/2023

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