CHAPTER 3---the angel act

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A golden blond crown prince is confidently walking towards his father's palace so he could complete the first mission he smirks while thinking about the plans his going to achieve 'father is such a cold-hearted man but it can be melted down if you played angelic to him' he inhaled the fresh breeze in the palace "what a wonderful day" he spoke normally 'where here' he thought casually  adjusting his royal clothes while walking confidently towards the palace but one knight blocked his way making him in bad mood already 

"I'm sorry your majesty you can't just go in," the knight said Anastacius put his hands to his waist and looked blankly at the knight "and why?" "beca-" "I'm the first son of the current emperor Alexander de Alger Obelia how vulgar of you to talk to me like we're friends," Anastacius said to the knight "your majesty I didn't speak any word against you I was just explaining that you can't just go in isn't it in the obelian rules your majesty?" the knight said Anastacius puts his hands to his chin 'is this little pest trying to embarrassed me?' Anastacius brush his hair hard and he furrowed his eyebrows "well then filthy pest I don't care about those rules" "do you know how vulgar that word is your majesty?" Anastacius stared at the knight "tsk, then I'll go but-I'm not finished with you" Anastacius said softly with a smooth smile on his face he waved goodbye to the knight and turned away his face became gloomy and clicked his tough 'i won't forget you PEST' Anastacius thought walking back to his palace

'how about I scroll around to get fresh air' Anastacius thought while walking to the small garden he saw 'what in ugly flowers disgusting' Anastacius stared at the colorful flowers and looked away in disgust 'urghh I hate that knight' Anastacius stomped his feet "arghhhhhhhhhh" he shouts making the bird's in all tree's in the garden fly away he pitched his nose bridge and breath calmly 'im gonna kill that knight that little shit is just like 15 inches tall to me and his-' Anastacius holds his head "arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Anastacius looked at the flowers and walk towards it he kicked and stepped the flowers e did that until his fully relax 

'hah I'm fine now I'm in good mood' Anastacius breath and fixed his clothes brush his hair and walks away leaving the dead flowers he abuse

he scrolls in the garden and as expected he didn't even enjoy it he yawned loudly and rolled his eyes "what a boring garden" he said and turned back so he could go back to his palace

he stopped walking when he heard crying near the bushes Anastacius boredly look at the bushes 'tsk I need to meet this bastard aren't I?' he thought not moving in his position 'i bet he got abused again by that empress' Anastacius spit his saliva and walked away not wanting to see his bastard brother that killed him two times


Claude hide on the buses to avoid the maids didn't help him at all, all they did is tell the empress where is he and then he'll be beat up or slapped by the empress for no reason


3 years old Claude is happily playing with his toys when someone barge into his room 

"CLAUDE" the demonic figure shout as that demon holds her fan

the innocent child looked at the women with a bright eye "HELLO STEPMOTHER!" Claude shouts happily and walks toward the woman but the women slap him with his fan in disgust

"DON'T CALL ME LIKE THAT DON'T YOU HAVE MANNERS!!!!! I'M THE EMPRESS IN THIS EMPIRE I'M NOT YOUR MOTHER NOR YOUR FAMILY YOU DISGUSTING CREATURE IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!! YOU RUINING ALL MY PLANS YOU CHILD OF A COMMONER!! I WISH YOU DIDNT EVEN GET BORN WHY DONT YOU JUST DIE!!" the empress shout angrily while breaking things in Claude's room Claude holds his cheek where he got slapped he cried "WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH" heavy tears falls to his eyes but the empress didn't care and shouted louder "YOU DONT NEED EXPENSIVE THINGS, YOU BASTARD!!! YOU ARE NOT COMPLETELY A BLOODLINE IN THIS ROYAL FAMILY" the woman said while throwing things at the child making the child completely beat up "AHHHHHHHHH it's ALL YOUR FAULT AND YOUR CHIMERA MOTHER!!" the woman shout again kicking Claude with her hills making it more painful for Claude "wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he cried trying to shield his tiny body "It's ALL YOU-" "mother" a child called making the empress looked out the door "ANASTACIUS MY CHILD WHY ARE YOU HERE" the empress shout walking towards the child she didn't even care when he's stepped in Claude tiny hands Claude silently cried "wahh" 

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