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I keep pumping these out man idk
You woke up in the afternoon, it seemed no one bothered to wake you up. 'I am telling Kaede all about this when I see her oh my god'

You walked into the gym and sat next to Kiyoko and Yachi,

"Good afternoon (f/n)"
"Hey (f/n) senpai! What took you so long?"

You stretched your arms and let out a yawn,
"No one woke me up and I forgot to set up and alarm, how long have they been practicing?"

"Few hours now"

"Dang that seems rough... hey I have an idea, what if we have our own little training camp, the three of us! We can't let them have all the fun can we?"

They looked at you with contemplation,

"Cmon it'll be fine, we'll only be gone for a little bit, plus they won't be done for like, a bazillion more years"

They both laughed and agreed with you, setting up water bottles and towels where the team could easily get them.

The three of you slipped away, but unbeknownst to you, someone was watching, trying to figure out where you were going.

You led the two managers to a nice open space, helping them set their bags down on a nearby bench.

"Okay I'm gonna be totally honest, I have no clue what to do. This idea sounded better in my head."

They both facepalmed, but also laughed, making you feel a bit better. But then you saw something in the distance, it seemed like a... shop?

"Hey guys theres a shop over there, you wanna go check it out?"

They both agreed and the three of you walked inside, finding there to be many keychains, with prices that weren't half bad.

An idea popped in your head,
"Oh! We should get keychains for the team!"

"That's a good idea (f/n)"
"Yeah I bet they're totally gonna love them!"

You chuckled in pride, you grabbed enough keychains for the whole team, and went to the counter. Kiyoko and Yachi started to pull out their wallets, but you stopped them,

"It's alright, it was my idea, so I'll pay for it,"

As much as they protested, you paid for the keychains, with them deciding carrying them back would be a sufficient repayment.

As the three of you got back to the gym, the team turned their heads towards you.

"Are those keychains?"
"For us?"

They crowded around Yachi and Kiyoko, who handed the keychains to them.

"You two are the best managers ever!"
"Thank you god for blessing us with Kiyoko!"

They tried to stop them,
"D-don't thank me it-"

"Yachi, don't sell you're self short! This was very thoughtful of the two of you!"

No matter how much they tried to tell them it was your idea, they couldn't. You heard everything, and decided it would be a good time to slip away, and maybe see how the other teams were doing.

You saw a familiar gamer, so you decided to walk up to them.

"You never did tell me your name, did you?"

He looked at you, and then back to his game.
"Kenma Kozume, you can just call me Kenma"

"Neat! I'm (f/n) (l/n), but you can call me (f/n)"

"Hey Kenma who's your friend?"

'I really have to introduce myself again huh.'

"(F/n) (l/n), call me (f/n) though"

He gave you a Cheshire grin,

"I'm Tetsuro Kuroo, but you can call me anything you'd like"

He winked at you. 'So this is the Kuroo Kenma was talking about... he's kinda like Oikawa too'

"Kenma what did I say about playing games? Bring it here," Kuroo reached for Kenma's gaming console, but you scooped Kenma up first.

"Sorry Kuroo!"

You ran off to your room,

"What are you doing?" Kenma asked, still a little in shock from your actions,

"You told me to protect you from him right? That's what I'm doing!"

You reached your room and set him on the cushions.

You ended up playing games with him for a long time, but eventually dinner came.

"Arent you coming to dinner?" He asked, partway out the door.

"Nah I'm good, I'm not really in an team-interaction mood, I'll just order something. Have a good dinner though!"

He hesitated, and then nodded, heading off to get some food.

You just changed your clothes and went into your bed. You didn't feel like eating today.

Something about feeling forgotten hurt, and you kind of wanted to just leave, but you decided to bottle up these emotions and push on, something you knew was gonna bite you in the butt later.

You closed your eyes, and drifted off to sleep once again, hoping the next day would get better.

this one is a little shorter cuz I'm tired and also idk why I'm making life so hard for you idk

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