🧷 Maid To Love🧷 {S} Part 1

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"Itadori!!!" A usually calm Fushiguro screamed from his dorm room, he exits with a pile of clothes in his hands and dropped it to the floor as he exits his room and continues "I'm not doing your laundry for you anymore, and I just cleaned my sheets!" before he could return to his dorm the pink-haired boy stops him and begs "PLEASE??, I got training all week, I got no time" Fushiguro scoffs and as he pushes Itadori aside, Itadori returns to his shared dorm with Nobara to find clothes all over the floor along with snack papers everywhere. "ughhh can't you clean a little" Itadori asks the tired girl who is passed out on her bed in her training clothes, she slowly rises to a sitting position to respond "you're one to talk, half of this is yours" she replies "well I have no time plus-" he tries to explain once again but is cut off by Nobara, "So am I, ughhh can't Gojo hire someone for this" she thinks aloud which sparks curiosity in the boy and he and Nobara heads over to Gojo-sensei to pled.

"Sure why not" Gojo-sensei agreed, it was obvious that not much pledging was needed as he himself never wants to clean which has led to the dojo and dorms being in a bit(a lot) of a mess.

Gojo left the searching up to Kiyotaka his driver and "friend" and after a week he settled on y/n an 18-year-old girl, who attends a college nearby. Shōko helped with the interviews and found that y/n was most capable and also had experience in cleaning before as it was a side job she did over the summers to earn a living.

Y/n arrived at the place using the directions she was given, "Is this correct?" she wondered to herself, As she wondered further she noticed a group of people dressed in navy coloured uniforms out on the field. "Welcome y/n" Kiyotaka spoke taking her away from her curious thoughts. "Hello" she bowed to the familiar face. He ushered her in and showed her where she would be situated as well as the task she had to do for each day of the week. "As we mentioned you arrive after school, at 5:30 pm, you start with the bedrooms, then the halls and training end at 8:00 pm for our Students/residents so at that time you can proceed to the Dojos and finish there for the night when you are ready to leave you can find me out front I will take you home safely." He explained, shortly after y/n changed and got to work.

The rooms were quite a task some more than others, but one was spotless, it was Fushiguro's I wasn't much of a surprise as he always manages his duties well, after y/n moved to the halls, it was a place with minimal furniture but it was quite dusty, so the halls were mainly to mop, carefully dust the art and antics and polish, while cleaning y/n was greeted by some of the students returning from their training, Nobara and Itadori stopped to chat on their way back "sooo sorry about the room but thanks for cleaning" the pink-haired boy said walking pass as he pointed finger guns. "What this idiot means is we appreciate it, seriously," Nobara says smiling lightly. "Of course, no problem" y/n replied and continued. "Alrighty now to the Dojo" y/n checks in with herself.

Upon entering the dojo she noticed that someone is still there a tall dark-haired boy, his appearance stood out to her for sure, he was handsome she thought but she had a job to do she instead of waiting she decided to clean the side of the dojo that he was not, as she entered further she bowed greeting him and he also reciprocated the greeting a continues on the punching bag. Y/n wiped each mat and stacked them neatly after she mopped the floor, while doing so she couldn't help but steal glances at the boy across the room but this wasn't done without Fushiguro noticing which made them both get a little shy. Y/n proceed to pack the equipment back, but before she could lift the equipment to move it to its rightful place Fushiguro makes his way across, "Don't worry, I will do this, you go finish up where I was" he stated taking the staff from her hands, Y/n and Fushiguro shared what seemed liked unbreakable eye contact with each other during that small exchange that would cause a passer-by to misunderstand, it was quite clear that there was a bit of underlying tension, surly they both were intrigued by one another. As they continued y/n was the one to break the silence "thank you, you don't have to, I'm getting paid for this you know" Fushiguro listen as he continues and responds "it's no problem, we did it before you came anyway, but thank you for coming, we do get quite busy at times" He explains. "So you must be the one with the almost spotless room?" Y/n asks laughing lightly. "yes, but almost?" he replies and questions her usage of the word almost as he knows his room is clean. "there was a bit of laundry" y/n informs him, However, after hearing this he realises that his laundry is folded and that must mean "I assure you that is not mine, there is this pink-haired boy, he use to drop his laundry off for me to do," he said a bit annoyed "I see" y/n chuckled realising the batter they had going on among the housemates.

"Well I'm all done here, I best leave you to it," Fushiguro said throwing his towel over his shoulder and picking up his water bottle, "yes thank you very much, have a goodnight...sorry I didn't catch your name..." "Fushiguro, and yours?" he asked "y/n" she replied "Nice to meet you Y/n, Goodnight, get home safely," He said as he exits.

Y/n finished up a short while after and changed to leave. She enters Kiyotaka's car and puts her seatbelt on "Ready Ms Y/L/N?" Kiyotaka asks "yes" y/n replied she spent her night thinking about her encounter with fushiguro, how kind and handsome he was, and so did Fusiguro with her, except he was also not given this choice even if he was not thinking about her, as the pink haired boy who eavesdropped on his way to the kitchen mocked Fushiguro. Though not aloud Fushiguro did admit to himself Y/n was beautiful and seemed kind and gentle.

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