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✧༺✦✮✦༻Fushiguro's BD ༺✦✮✦༻✧
{December 21th}

It has been 2 years since Megumi Fushiguro graduated from Saitama Urami East Junior High School, the 20 year old was invited to a reunion at the school but the cynical boy had already decided he wasn't going to attend as his reputation wasn't one he likey to talk about so he pitched the letter with the other junk on his table and headed into the showers to get ready for bed.

After he changed he got into his bed ready to sleep but jolted up with Yuji Itadori bursed in in his usual excited way.

"heyyy buddy, what you doin'" the pink haired boy questioned.

"it's late what do you want" megumi said in a numb yet fustrated tone.

"I just wanted to knoww...ifyoucouldplease comemakemesomeramenplease" he mumbled finishing off with a desperate smile.

"noo way it's late, Go to bed." fushiguro said laying back down pulling the covers over his head.

"uhhh...finee" yuji said in a sigh as he began leaving the room.

As he was leaving his eyes glanced on the invitation and noticed that the blue envlope decorated with white snow flakes looked misplaced against all of Megumi's other things. Yuji began to read it.

"heyyy, i thought you leftt" fushiguro said stumbling out of bed to grab the letter, but yuji had already saw the contents.

"you're going rightt?!?" yuji questioned

"I'm not." the nonchalant boy said as he climbed back into bed.

"Whatt, but you have to" yuji explained sitting down at the foot side of megumi's bed.

"Oh yeah why, plus that's not a good day" fushiguro said

"Come on, when are you gonna get a chance to skip training and eat free food and the 22nd? It's a saturday that is perfect" The younger boy tried to explain.

"Sigh...Listen, if I agree to go would you get out" megumi reasoned.

"If that's a yes, i'm already out the door" he said leaving with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Goodnight." The older bly said sternly.

"Yeah oh btw the invite said a plus one is needed sooo can i-" yuji stared shyly but was cut of as megumi already new if he had to bring someone...

"I'm taking y/n" he said bluntly and turned to the other side a "slept" while the disappointed pink haired boy with off to his room.

{Fushiguro to himself}"Maybe going out with y/n on my birthday isn't such a bad idea, even if it's a reunion"

{December 22nd}

Y/n is currently taking the orders of the last set of customers before her lunch break. As she writes down the order of the privious person she addresses the next customer in line.

"Hello welcome, what can I get for you" y/n says with her head still down

"A minute of your time," fushiguro said smiling smugly.

"Hii, of course i go on lunch in 2 minutes" the blushing girl explains.

"Alright I'll wait then" megumi says as he steps out of the line.

Y/n quickly wraps up her apron after secering the last customer and heads out with a cup of fushiguro's regular coffee order a cup of chi tea and a 2 bagel.

"Oh thanks babe" he said as y/n join him at a table.

"You're welcome, so what's up" y/n asked

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