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They settled on It, a movie they had both seen a thousand times but still enjoyed.

Gerard lay on his lumpy floor-bed, trying not to fall asleep. He was normally able to stay up later, but due to the activity of the day and the Monster Energy pulling him down into a crash, he continuedly found himself dozing off before a loud scene from the movie would wake him up.

Eventually, as blood was shared (didn't they know they could get sick like that?) and kisses were stolen (he'd never really seen them as a couple, he liked them better as friends), Frank leaned over and shut off the TV. He yawned. "Gnight, Gerard," he mumbled sleepily. "Goodnight," Gerard whispered. Frank soon fell into sleep, as Gerard could hear by his heavy breathing and occasional sighs. He tried, tried, tried to hold off the sleep, but it fell over him like a sheet of lead and he was pulled down into his own personal hell, a night like every other.

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